Yeah - not sure how GP belongs in there
Yeah - not sure how GP belongs in there

I quite like a lot of their interior work, but I'm having a hard time mustering a defense for much of their high-rise portfolio. Still, yes, Kirkor and G+C are certainly in an entirely different universe/hellscape.
I quite like a lot of their interior work, but I'm having a hard time mustering a defense for much of their high-rise portfolio. Still, yes, Kirkor and G+C are certainly in an entirely different universe/hellscape.
I'm fearful that their Daniels Waterfront towers will turn out a special kind of bad.
Oh, gotcha. Well based on that elevation, we're in for a blunder, regardless of who is responsible.

Until the window-wall towers trend dies, it would be nice to see more firms doing grid facades, even something like the grid motif hiding balconies at Panda Condos would do a lot to relieve us of randomized-spandrel patterns and other tired attempts at creating visual interest. A strict, clean grid makes towers visually clean and paired with an articulated podium that addresses the street, creates a dynamic package.

It really wouldn't be difficult or costly to create a tower that looks like Tower Hill at St. Clair, or something along those lines. And yet, time and time again, we end up looking at these window-wall point towers with stripes of spandrel panels running up and down them, and some cheesy facade effects thrown in to create the appearance of articulation.

I've always been big fan of glass towers as a concept and the execution of many we've had here in Toronto over the past 15 years, but even I find myself looking at these development applications and increasingly reacting with "Please God, not another one."
Aren't they going to shadow the church and park thats beside them with the height that they're asking for?
It will be interesting to see a rendering, and see how they are dealing with enclosed balconies.
I think enclosed balconies will be added attractive for the purchasers.
