Sorry guys using cellphone to post this.

At the bottom of the report you will find this link, click on it and it will download a file.

Pics are from the document

Driving back to the east end from Etobicoke, as I approach the curve 'round Humber Bay, that's what it looks like to me - all the grey buildings, particularly at this time of the year, with ominously low-lying, leaden skies - resembles a kind of grim dystopia. Like a city that's been clinically leached of colour by a cabal of sadists. Very forbidding. Both the clump of new residential towers at Humber Bay and almost everything downtown... it's pretty damned bleak. This new tower, in its mid-grey appearance, looks like it aims to be yet another capitulation to the joyless dominance of this theme.
I've updated the database file, changed the height to reflect the top of the measly foot-high parapet, and added higher-res images, including this one which I call Streetcar Showdown:


I really don't like the low rise portion above the historic buildings. It floats over top of them, and doesn't fit or match. Ugly. The tower should just go straight up behind the buildings and get rid of those boxy parts.
It would be nice to see the podium blend in with the historical buildings . By using some precast brick and some accenting stained glass windows in certain areas. To blend in with both the tower and old buildings.
