Is that definitely happening? I see the argument in favour but I'm not sure. The original intent was to transition to cobblestone as a warning to cyclists to slow down in the conflict area. Has the pendulum really swung so far that we have to warn pedestrians to be aware, and not cyclists?
Judging by the #bikeTO moaning in my twitter feed, it has.
Cyclists (includes me—I went through there with a couple of friends on Saturday) have a responsibility to slow down enough in those zones that if there is a clueless pedestrian wandering onto the trail, that they can stop in time. They're also welcome, as far as I'm concerned, to tell pedestrians that clearing the trail quickly is in their best interest.


That Monday was crazy, but I'd say by far the most dangerous part was the fast-moving bikers. We were biking, and you could move pretty fast west of the Radisson, but there were guys trying to gun through the crowds at the ferry terminal, which was just crazy. Fun day (with the exception of forgetting that the Against the Grain patio is always SLOWWWW service when there's a sunny holiday.)
That Monday was crazy, but I'd say by far the most dangerous part was the fast-moving bikers. We were biking, and you could move pretty fast west of the Radisson, but there were guys trying to gun through the crowds at the ferry terminal, which was just crazy. Fun day (with the exception of forgetting that the Against the Grain patio is always SLOWWWW service when there's a sunny holiday.)
I move pretty quickly on the Queens Quay bike path, but always have my hands covering my brakes while on this path because I know a car is going to make a left into me when they don't have right of way, or a pedestrian is going to randomly wander onto the path. I can stop pretty quickly this way so I've never had any issues. Last Saturday when I was cycling on the path, the cyclist in front of me asked a pedestrian to get off the path and she got yelled at. I think the pedstrian was drunk though.
Went there when it first opened and waited 45 minutes to get a beer. Haven't been back.

Food's good and the 45mn waits never happen anymore -- except lunch hour on holidays. I'd recommend it on a sunny weekday afternoon. Amsterdam still beats them hands down, though. Watermark is OK as well except when slammed.
I've noticed that the trees on St. Clair West are much larger than elsewhere in the city. Does anyone know if St. Clair uses a similar planting system as Queens Quay, and if we'll be seeing similar results?
I've noticed that the trees on St. Clair West are much larger than elsewhere in the city. Does anyone know if St. Clair uses a similar planting system as Queens Quay, and if we'll be seeing similar results?
They did not.
Quite busy yesterday. For the most part, pedestrians and bikes have figured it out. I saw one car try to drive on the trail but none on the streetcar tracks. Still a clusterf*ck at Bay with the line ups for the ferry.
Quite busy yesterday. For the most part, pedestrians and bikes have figured it out. I saw one car try to drive on the trail but none on the streetcar tracks. Still a clusterf*ck at Bay with the line ups for the ferry.
Didn't see any driver misbehaviour. I did see pedestrians clueless walking/standing/taking pictures on both the bike path and the streetcar path.
Hydro is making a mess out of Rees / QQ. Today if you wanted to cross reese as pedestrian or on a bike you had to cross where the marine station was. And the intersection is now a hodge podge of ashphalt patches that already starting to think.
Hydro is making a mess out of Rees / QQ. Today if you wanted to cross reese as pedestrian or on a bike you had to cross where the marine station was. And the intersection is now a hodge podge of ashphalt patches that already starting to think.

It really upsets me to see new pavement patched (badly) and looking like hell. I hope that the asphalt re-cap - when done - is a first class job. I saw Rees on the weekend last week and I almost choked. Barely twelve months after it was paved....
