Add a giant 100 foot sign that shows an image of the intersection with the turning car in the correct spot.
Still waiting for transit specific signal lights.


From link.
Some of you honestly thought that a little paint was magically gonna keep all the cars out? Try again.

Just because the Star saw a few drivers entering the ROW now we have enough data to judge the success of painting the ROW? The sample size is much too small.

Over the course of a much longer time, for example a month, what is the rate of cars entering the ROW? We need that data and as the article states the TTC, City and Waterfront Toronto are collecting it.
Just because the Star saw a few drivers entering the ROW now we have enough data to judge the success of painting the ROW? The sample size is much too small.

Over the course of a much longer time, for example a month, what is the rate of cars entering the ROW? We need that data and as the article states the TTC, City and Waterfront Toronto are collecting it.
Yes, it will take some time for drivers to realise that a red painted 'road' is somewhere they ought not to drive BUT this learning period would surely be faster if all similar locations were identified in the same way. A red painted ROW entrance at Queens Quay West and Spadina is fine but what about QQW and Simcoe, QQW and York, Fleet and Bathurst and Cherry and Eastern (as examples.) We need consistent signage! Will this be 100% effective, of course not - people drive through red lights all the time not because they are confused but because they are not paying attention to the road!
If the city ever starts to use cameras to record and mail out fines for driving on a streetcar right-of-way, then they'll recover the cost to paint the town red each year. Not possible at the present time due to political cowardliness.
this learning period would surely be faster if all similar locations were identified in the same way. A red painted ROW entrance at Queens Quay West and Spadina is fine but what about QQW and Simcoe, QQW and York, Fleet and Bathurst and Cherry and Eastern (as examples.) We need consistent signage!

Absolutely. Drivers need to see the red painted ROW on a regular basis, throughout QQ.
And in similar places throughout the City.

Absolutely. You read my mind. I was going to post that. But I think other ROW’s are less susceptible to drivers entering them. I only occasionally see this on the 510 or 512.

Still, for consistency’s sake, all streetcar ROW’s should be painted so drivers have it clear: throughout Toronto, red tracks are a no-go zone.
