Been said before, Come June with 2 way traffic back on this road, traffic light will be time like they are supposed to be to allow streetcars to travel faster than the past.The traffic lights are not timed yet - some super european system is still being setup, and with the left turns controlled by signals - streetcars are not going to have any where near the same hassle they use to have.
Can't do it with one way and current setup.
If they keep the light red all the time at the fire station until it needs to be change, streetcars will fly along this section. Biggest stop for the streetcars now.
The 95% of the road itself is ready for traffic and will be 100% by the end of April. 75% of the south side is ready done, but will not be 100% complete until the summer unless a huge force shows up to lay the pavers, especially west of Spadina.
Fencing is up where the Martin Goodmen Trail will be that is mostly complete as well the unfinished sidewalk.
We may see trees going in this month, more so in May and this will change the look of the street even more.