Interesting. I’ve never seen a City truck water any street trees, and didn’t know such a thing existed. Nor do I know what a watering bag is. And here I thought I was correct with my guess that lack of watering by the City was the culprit.
Kinda surprising that they planted the 'wrong' tree. Millions of dollars and years of planning and constructing an improved Bloor...but somehow they screw up the trees? Talk about a blunder. A leafy canopy was the most important improvement (at least IMO). Not only that, it was possibly the most affordable improvement. Frankly, I’d prefer scrubby but fast-growing Manitoba Maple or Chinese Sumac over a spindly or dead tree any day of the week.
Re: the photo above, and someone’s comment about a "concrete city"...this is why I’d like to see more evergreens in TO. I don’t think they’d make good street trees, but on private property and whatnot a jack pine or white pine would be a nice change to a patch of asphalt or dirt. And their constant greenery would go a long way to improving our non-summer grey streetscape.