It's better than having a streetcar run over a pedestrian.

The issue here is the design the streetcar ROW. Because it's the same level as the sidewalk, pedestrians wander into it, not realizing that they're not supposed to stand there. The streetcar ROW should've been built at the same height as car lanes, so pedestrians wouldn't be so inclined to walk on it

It also does not help that the button for the crosswalk is squeezed between the bike lane and the streetcar row.
They need to stain the concrete red along the ROW to make it obvious it's not a normal place for cars nor pedestrians to be. I don't want to see the streetcar ROWs in the East Bayfront or Port Lands in the middle of streets: we should be separating the transport modes where we have the space.

The TTC makes the same mistake over and over again with street rights of ways: little or no visual differentiation of the right of way from vehicle space on the road. Locals know about the right of way, but people not used to driving in downtown Toronto can easily assume that you can drive on the right of way. After all, you drive in the lane with streetcar tracks all around downtown on the many streets without streetcar right of ways.
The TTC makes the same mistake over and over again with street rights of ways: little or no visual differentiation of the right of way from vehicle space on the road. Locals know about the right of way, but people not used to driving in downtown Toronto can easily assume that you can drive on the right of way. After all, you drive in the lane with streetcar tracks all around downtown on the many streets without streetcar right of ways.
This issue is not a TTC one, but an EMS.

TTC wanted to do things for the ROW, but EMS got in the way like it has on other ROW. Even Waterfront Toronto has no control over this issue, since its a city control one.

As it been pointed out time after time, if grass or red paint in in the ROW, it will cut down on the number of mistakes that take place weekly. Traffic light play a large part for clueless driver making illegal turn in the first place.

TTC did oppose having the ROW the same height of the sidewalk from day one.

Moving the ROW to the centre of the road for the east section would be a huge mistake, considering it work well in other places in NA and the world. Most ROW don't have the raise ROW or edge protection and only use paint to mark the ROW area.
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I was down here today. The trees are looking really good.

It was incredibly busy at the waterfront today. I was shocked. Sure, it's May 24, but I've never seen it like this. Thousands of people just milling about. It was a sight to see, and goes to show you that if you build it, they will come.

As for the bike lane/pedestrian situation, it makes me practically apoplectic due to pretty extreme OCD about orderliness that I have. To me, the situation is very messy down there, and I fear that someone eventually is going to be hurt very badly. God forbid it's a young child in a stroller, as numerous times today I saw close calls with inattentive parents attempting to push their strollers across the bike path to the other side before realizing that there's a group of cyclists dashing directly at them.

That's an accident I can avoid seeing.
I have found over the past few months that people have figured out how things work and have stayed in their "zones" for the most part. But now that summer is here, all bets are off.
For a somewhat depressing update on the status of the eastern LRT:

Not sure about a 500m moving walk way into Union, personally. And something tells me that, though a line of some sort will appear eventually, it will be too late, there will be a temporary Liberty Village situation, and there will be a lot of unhappy people (and developers).
I witnessed another fight yesterday.

You may have seen a video that went viral last Summer that I captured of a pedestrian punching a cyclist on Queens Quay. The same happened again yesterday in around the same spot, only this time it was the pedestrian who caused the accident. A man wandered suddenly into the bike lane causing a cyclist to swerve, hit a bench and go flying head first into the sidewalk. Cyclist got up shouting at pedestrian, both got in a scuffle and had to be split up.

Never underestimate the limit of human stupidity and cluelessness. There will always be people testing Darwin's theory of natural selection.

Separate observation: down by the water, I watched as a young girl was balancing on the pole on the edge of the boardwalk while her parents watched from a bench. I wanted to say something but it wasn't my place so instead I looked around for a lifeguard ring buoy. Maybe we just need to stop protecting stupid people from themselves. Both are examples of people who shouldn't reproduce.
I have a tendency to too often foresee accidents in higher risk situations, so that's playing a role here. But yesterday when I was down there, I have to admit I didn't enjoy being near the bike trail. To me, I just constantly see cyclist-pedestrian near misses, and I don't want to witness someone fly off their bike at 25k and smash their face open. Obviously others aren't so bothered, so this has more to do with me than it does with how well organized the infrastructure is down there, or with how idiotic and oblivious so many people are when it comes to how to use it properly.

Overall the bike path just isn't for me. Especially at the foot of York where it intersects with the pedestrian pathway. It's just a complete mess.
I was down here today. The trees are looking really good.

It was incredibly busy at the waterfront today. I was shocked. Sure, it's May 24, but I've never seen it like this. Thousands of people just milling about. It was a sight to see, and goes to show you that if you build it, they will come.

As for the bike lane/pedestrian situation, it makes me practically apoplectic due to pretty extreme OCD about orderliness that I have. To me, the situation is very messy down there, and I fear that someone eventually is going to be hurt very badly. God forbid it's a young child in a stroller, as numerous times today I saw close calls with inattentive parents attempting to push their strollers across the bike path to the other side before realizing that there's a group of cyclists dashing directly at them.

That's an accident I can avoid seeing.
Were you looking at both sides or one side?? I found the south side in bad shape to dead trees as I rode 4420 westbound on 510.

Saw a number of cases where cycles were giving other riders bad name. Then a few clueless walkers standing in the bike lanes at York in conversion.
Were you looking at both sides or one side?? I found the south side in bad shape to dead trees as I rode 4420 westbound on 510.

Saw a number of cases where cycles were giving other riders bad name. Then a few clueless walkers standing in the bike lanes at York in conversion.
Yeah, I was looking at one side--mostly the north near Rees.



