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Is this the building?
Application: Zoning Review Status: Not Started
Location: 85 HARBOUR ST
Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale
Application#: 11 188520 ZPR 00 ZR Accepted Date: May 5, 2011
Project: Non-Residential Building New Building
Description: Zoning review for new 30 storey mixed use building with retail at ground floor and office above.
Well here is a bit more info..
Site Plan Approval 11 194925 STE 28 SA Ward 28
- Tor & E.York May 13, 2011 --- --- --- ---
Site Plan Approval for Waterpark Phase III site - linked to previous approvals and existing development at 10-20 Bay St. - proposing office tower, 30 storeys, 128.55m at highest point - approximately 83,515 sq.m- would join into the Phase I and II buildings to the east