If this is true, then given that the earlier plan was for 30 floors and 140m, 53 floors should equal about 245m to 250m. Wow.
"From a good source at Oxford Properties - 85 Harbour Street (WaterPark Place III) will now be 53 floors and 900,000 sq/ft.

It's already a 930,000 square foot building at 30 storeys.

I don't think that source is quite so good!

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All of them other than the stacking plan are in our dataBase listing for the building at a larger scale than you get from Oxford!

We did report on the expansion of 100 Adelaide, according to Oxford's marketing, and in fact they are now saying up to 1,000,000 square feet at 44 storeys.

Agreed. The Gardiner is a horrible barrier and it would do wonders for the city if it was taken down.

I cant believe that with all these new buildings going up along the Gardiner and the ever-increasingly spectacular gateway to downtown being created, people are still complaining about it on THIS thread.
Not so many visitors to our city walk in from Pearson, tho.

Driving along the Gardiner (particularly at night) really is a pleasure and a remarkable introduction to the city. Especially now with all of the new development running along the Gardiner from the Distillery through the core and out toward Humber Bay. It has a very different feeling from what you see on the GO, and there's a definite sense of arrival as the Dome comes into view as you pass CityPlace.

Of course I'm not arguing that we should keep an urban blight simply because of my personal affinity for the drive. But as long the blight exists we might as well acknowledge the incredible view it offers.
Agreed. The drive in is very exciting compared to subway, bus, streetcar or GO where that experience doesn't really exist. Obviously transit is the way of the future, but it would be a shame to lose the experience. With regards to the negative effect on the pedestrian experience, I'd much rather see a creative solution that turns the negative experience of the gardiners underneath into a positive one. It is most certainly not an easy problem to fix, but I'd like to see what we as a city can come up with. That in the end would be more rewarding then the simple destroy and re-do.

Well, my suggestion is to rebuild the stretch of Gardiner from say Spadina to at least Yonge - maybe cover it (to reduce/eliminate the effects of using road salt), raise it a bit use columns like OCAD - and do something about Lake Shore Blvd underneath. Either way, I think something will have to be done eventually since the lifespan of the current structure is limited.

Awhile back there was some contemplation of a creating a north-south road running up the side of the site, just to the east of the circular Gardiner off-ramp -- I know there was a meeting some time ago about different options.

Why was the road removed from the site design?
