Active Member
When the signs are in CHINESE ONLY, it is to the exclusion of others...
Not necessarily. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what a store is selling, even if you can't read its name. If you really needed to know you could just ask, or even make the effort to learn some Chinese yourself.
These mono-ethnic malls are just fueling ethnic and racial tensions in areas such as Markham.. There is nothing stopping anyone from going to a traditional mall, but these malls, with Chinese Only signs, dirty looks to non-Chinese, and discrimination only serve to fuel ethnic tensions..
So far, you haven't been able to show there's any real discrimination and you seem to be making a lot of assumumptions on your part. You bring your baggage with you interpretting anything through the lens of "I'm white and Chinese people are racist, etc." A person looking at you automatically becomes "I'm getting a dirty look because I'm white." Your attachment to this idea of racial tension obviously colours your perspective.
Heck just the other day, in another Chinese Mall in Markham, I was questioned by a patron asking "What I was doing there?", strongly implying that I was not welcome because I was white!
That is not right..
See? That "strong implication" is your reading of the event. It could very well be that this person had other motivations for asking you this, and even if it was because of your race, that does not necessarily mean it was a malaicious remark. You could be misinterpretting this. Even if you were right, this was a run-in with a customer, not a store owner/employee - why should you care what they think? People say and do stupid things all the time.