The new towers remind me of the Shangri-La and the Conrad at Two Pacific Place, Admiralty, Hong Kong.


I do not like the new proposal's 4 storey above grade exposed parking garage, this will look hideous on Steeles

... although Chinese developers have a pretty good track record of hiding parking garages. There's New Century Plaza, First Professional Centre (Midland and Finch - if I recall correctly there's a hidden parking garage on the 2nd and 3rd floor), and the Pacific Mall proposal calls for hiding a parking garage behind a glass curtain wall and a lot of advertising space.
New Remington Centre kiosk retail units are for sale - $322,000 for 101 sq. ft. of space, or about $3200 per sq. ft.
I always thought they should build a mini pacific mall at Yonge and Sheppard !
That's essentially what's going in to Emerald Park.

That's essentially what's going in to Emerald Park.


hmm, what do you mean ? Small retail units like pacific mall and the like ?

That'll be great but they need to market it as such. It's not just small units that do the trick we have those everywhere :). Simply put they needed to be marketed to the Asian community ... there are plenty of Koreans in this area that I think it would fly.

It looks like the world on Yonge project north of Steeles will also be similar, but an even larger mall. Which I'm not a huge fan of it self. But seeing how NYCC already has street level retail they can work together.
I believe they are already fully sold out... or very close. Emerald Park should have a number of smaller units along with an Asian supermarket (rumoured to be T & T).

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haha, the condo just got injected with some steroids. This is a big condo they went from cutesy oval to the big bad big square "in yer face" feel. $$
haha, the condo just got injected with some steroids. This is a big condo they went from cutesy oval to the big bad big square "in yer face" feel. $$

Yeah, fortress was the first thing that came to mind for me as well. Love the density, but it's hard on the eyes.
That new tower design is fugly. It's too bad they're not going for a more urban, pedestrian-friendly concept. I know this is in the burbs but you can't give up hope that even Markham can get a bit nicer.
That new tower design is fugly. It's too bad they're not going for a more urban, pedestrian-friendly concept. I know this is in the burbs but you can't give up hope that even Markham can get a bit nicer.

Pretty silly thing to say considering everything going on with Downtown Markham ...
And now potentially the airport.

If anything Toronto's suburbs are the ones lacking ... 'Concord Place' for example ... very little 'urbanness' there ...
Add what's up with the splendid tower mall's expansion ?
is there a sense as to when construction will be starting?

Remington has reported that construction should start in winter of this year, with their sales centre opening this summer. They really need to step up the transportation infrastructure though.
