There is another building in the area which is mostly one bedroom and whose residents, for the most part, don't use cars: the UofT Chestnut (hotel) residence. With proximity to the UofT and Ryerson U, the deterrent of no parking, and the distinct non-residential feel of the neighborhood, how likely is it that 426 University will evolve into a Senator Kroll?
There is another building in the area which is mostly one bedroom and whose residents, for the most part, don't use cars: the UofT Chestnut (hotel) residence. With proximity to the UofT and Ryerson U, the deterrent of no parking, and the distinct non-residential feel of the neighborhood, how likely is it that 426 University will evolve into a Senator Kroll?

I don't think 426 Univesity Ave can be compared with the UofT Chestnut residence ... after all its only a 'University Residence', rather than an apartment/condominium ... and it is quite common that most 'University Residences' do not have underground parking ... I think we're comparing apples with oranges with that point ~
I don't think 426 Univesity Ave can be compared with the UofT Chestnut residence ... after all its only a 'University Residence', rather than an apartment/condominium ... and it is quite common that most 'University Residences' do not have underground parking ... I think we're comparing apples with oranges with that point ~

Most new buildings do, but your point is still valid.
With all the attention this project is geting today on the news and street, i will pedict this will be the hottest selling new condo building on the market.
Elevation Drawings

I was curious how this is going to look like (if approved). Here are some elevation drawings I found in City of Toronto Staff Report (from May 2009):



Has anyone seen any other renderings yet?
I was curious how this is going to look like (if approved). Here are some elevation drawings I found in
Has anyone seen any other renderings yet?

I have them and will post them shortly.
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"To assume a residential development of the project's scale might be totally car-free runs counter to expert study and experience," the staff report stated. "Although there are many households in the downtown (area) without cars, it would be highly unlikely to find 315 of them permanently concentrated in one building."
This quote from the planning staff doesn't make any sense, obviously if people are willing to buy units in a building with no parking, it will be very "likely" that the building will be filled with car-free households.

It also stated that, "exempting the project from the city's parking standards would create a negative precedent that undermines the integrity of the parking provisions of the zoning bylaw."
Great! I hope that the silly parking requirements get undermined.

I have no problem with putting parking in condo buildings if there is market demand. If people are willing to pay for parking spots, go for it. But mandating minimum parking requirements is, in effect, an indirect subsidy for parking spaces, and raises condo prices for everyone.
I agree. The market will adequately decide the need for parking spaces and it makes no sense that the city should force parking at any location other than perhaps social housing and government properties which aren't really driven by market forces.
This is stupid. I mean, we spend millions subsidizing all manner of schemes to get people to drive less, but all of a sudden a company comes along willing to invest money to do it itself and Planning shuts them down? It's like some bizarre joke. There is no downside to the City here. People aren't going to show up on moving day with their cars and be surprised to find out they don't have parking. If they wanted to buy a place without a parking space, it implies they don't want a parking space. I don't get why Planning can't understand that. It's like everyone who works for the City thinks they are smarter than everyone else.

Aesthetically, it is stupid to preserve the RCMI here. Maybe the renderings will look better, but those elevation drawings look plain stupid. Couldn't they just move it to a place where heritage buildings go to die?
lol is it just me or is that a skinny tower...

I like a lot of these large downtown residential projects coming to the Financial District. Like 300 Front and Trump, it really adds a lot to the area...
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'Car-free' condo: 42 storeys, no parking

September 16, 2009 04:09:00
Donovan Vincent
A controversial 42-storey condo building that will be built without permanent parking spots cleared a key hurdle yesterday.

The Toronto-East York community council overruled city staff skeptical about the dearth of parking to allow a plan that provides for only nine car-share rental spots, plus 315 spaces for bicycles.

The condominium would go up on the site of the century-old Royal Canadian Military Institute on University Ave. near Dundas St., which would be demolished, with elements of its facade preserved at the base and a thin tower above.

"If you look at the evidence of what sells downtown, the majority of units under 750 square feet in the downtown core sell without parking,'' said Stephen Deveaux, a vice-president with the developer, Tribute Communities. Parking spots typically add $20,000 or more to the cost of a downtown condo.

Deveaux called the project, which still needs approval from full city council, an opportunity to design and market an "environmentally progressive building." With so many jobs and handy transit nearby, the units will sell, Deveaux said.

A staff report on the condo plan in May gave it thumbs-down, citing, for one, the lack of parking. It stated the car-free plan "runs counter to expert study and experience."

The idea materialized when Tribute realized the narrow site would provide "challenges" to constructing a parking garage.

Councillor Adam Vaughan, who represents the ward, called the car-free building "an interesting experiment and statement about the future of downtown living.''

It also won praise yesterday from Franz Hartmann, co-executive director of the Toronto Environmental Alliance, who said such buildings are uncommon – if they exist at all. "In the past it was natural to allocate parking spots, but in 21st century Toronto, where we're battling climate change, we don't need that any more,'' he said.

The few parking spots in the plan will be devoted to car-share arrangements, whereby residents can rent a car as needed by the hour.

The plan involves tearing down the decaying Royal Canadian Military Institute building, a private club constructed in 1907 that is on the city's inventory of heritage properties, and replacing it with a 6*1/2-storey structure that maintains elements of the façade. Above would rise a 35*1/2-storey condo tower with about 315 units, mostly one-bedroom.

The $65 million project is the fruit of a partnership between Tribute and the 1,500-member club. Construction could begin as early as next year and be done by 2013.

The building will continue to provide space for the club, its library and its extensive archival collection of military artifacts – including the seat of Baron von Richthofen's Fokker Triplane, its most famous item.

Though the institute's board has approved the project, several members at large oppose it.

Member Brian Lawrie told the community council that in 2007 Vaughan had "enthusiastically endorsed" keeping the building intact, calling it a "rare remnant of University Avenue's early days as a quiet boulevard dominated by trees, not highrises." He noted that the councillor had done a "180-degree turn" the next year by endorsing the demolition and condo project.

Normally, building plans follow a formula for how much parking space should be allowed; current standards, if applied to the building, would provide approximately 140 parking spaces for residents.

"To assume a residential development of the project's scale might be totally car-free runs counter to expert study and experience," the staff report stated. "Although there are many households in the downtown (area) without cars, it would be highly unlikely to find 315 of them permanently concentrated in one building."

It also stated that, "exempting the project from the city's parking standards would create a negative precedent that undermines the integrity of the parking provisions of the zoning bylaw."

But the project got the green light after Vaughan suggested a series of amendments to bring the building into what he later described as "better conformity" with the area.

The only way to save its museum and artifacts is to redevelop the site, Vaughan told the meeting.

The project goes to city council later this month for final approval.

A response:

"What building a condo with no parking means for a city"
So the Street presence is quite small it appears.
So the Street presence is quite small it appears.

Well, there really isn't space for anything more. The existing RCMI building that you see there today takes up the entire lot. The only way you can go is up. Keeping the facade pretty much means what you see is what you get.
And here it is. I have some more renderings but it is going to take me some time to upload them. Note that these are preliminary renderings, and that the design has been refined.


Another glass building. Poop.

What is up with that weird fin/mohawk in the middle? Just some added flare?


Then again, although hard to tell from the rendering, it appears that it may have nice wide shallow units (even if only bach and 1bds).

It is hard to tell if this forum is discussing the parking issue or the building. In any event, my opinion on the parking situation can be found on UT here.
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