I look forward to the curtains introducing a human element of uncertainty to the facade. By the way, great photos - look fabulous.
Though Sun Life originally played a subtler game with the streetline: the tower wasn't just set back, but oriented t/w University northward, while the adjoining (now gone) single-storey bank pavilion was oriented diagonally southward. If it were only the tower (as, unfortunately, it is now), it would've been much more pat...

And the original design, for a taller 17 story tower, had an even more intimate connection ... to the earlier three storey building that was demolished for that also vanished bank pavilion ( shown in this Panda Associates photo ) ...

PE, how is it asinine? Clear green windows, while they may look nice when clear, will all look different and mismatched if there are a rainbow of shades.

While I don't expect residents to be policed, I just thought I'd pose the question.

Personally, I think it will look strange, and will take away from the overall look of the building.

Already, the lower floors of the RBC Centre look cluttered and the clear, floor to ceiling windows are full of the back of cabinets, desks, water coolers and a whole slew of half open blinds. The effect is lost completely.

It has the Future Shop at Dundas Square syndrome. A nice idea to have windows facing the street made horrible by lining it with the back of 'things'.

I think a slew of different blinds, drapes, curtains will change how striking the Ritz comes across in renderings.

Perhaps the glass is just too transparent?

Maybe I'm totally out to lunch, but I do seriously believe this. Let's hope I'm wrong.
updated pictures.. of the ritz.


The Ritz, powerfully, battling the sky.....


pictures of the skylobby


by me

pictures of the slant, by me


by me the poo-poo, chi, chi!! ha

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It looks to me like the skylobby is going to have more cladding put on it yet. Maybe it will be enclosed in glass after all?!
Edit: Nevermind, it's not, but I guess they will be putting the precast on the top of the skylobby sloped concrete roof.
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Nov 14 visit

The Ritz is going to be taller than the RBC from various angles I have seen/shot from to date.

These show the 51st is almost even with the roof of the RBC

UT's 400ft list is showing RBC at 600ft, and Ritz at 688ft...88 feet is pretty significant, imho...
The roof slope back to the front of the building will add at least another 7 floors on top of the 53 floors we know about..

This building will be clearly taller than RBC.... by 100 feet or 30 meters.
From certain angles the Ritz will look taller (and it is of course)

But when viewed from Yonge or even Bay street... Ritz will look just a little taller than RBC's fin... and Ritz is further west than RBC and WAY skinnier...

***and NICE shots everyone :)


***THAT CLUSTER with Success, MLS, RBC, etc.. is getting SOOO big and it's balancing out the skyline SOOOO much!!!! The cluster wasn't there 3 years ago

NOW We have an AWESOME (balanced out) skyline!!!! ***all that's left is we need something behind the Royal York... (FESTIVAL TOWER!!!!... and then something beside that which are already proposed)

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steveve your enthusiasm brings a smile to my face almost every time I read one of your posts :)

The Ritz yesterday from my POV

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Hehehe.. thnx dt!

***It's nice to follow your shots on how Ritz is slowly coming into your view! :)

My grandma has a unit in the building beside of the MET (you can see it clearly in your shots... it's the old brown one across from Maple Leaf Gardens) and also one in the MET... It's funny how you can actually see my grandmas EXACT window on the 20th floor!.... the building has a blacony at the top and I pretty much get your exact same view when I go over there except it's a little closer (college)... The MET unit is facing south so both views are similar!

You're place is clearly higher up so your gonna get more of it! *that is until Shangri-la paves the way (which should be a little nicer than the ritz no offence to all those die-hard Ritz fans! )

Stupid city hall is blocking out a chunk of our views of the Ritz :mad:!... and it looks SOOO ugly from behind :mad:... from the front it looks descent though :)

cheers :)
Hehehe.. thnx dt!

***It's nice to follow your shots on how Ritz is slowly coming into your view! :)

My grandma has a unit in the building beside of the MET (you can see it clearly in your shots... it's the old brown one across from Maple Leaf Gardens) and also one in the MET... It's funny how you can actually see my grandmas EXACT window on the 20th floor!.... the building has a blacony at the top and I pretty much get your exact same view when I go over there except it's a little closer (college)... The MET unit is facing south so both views are similar!

You're place is clearly higher up so your gonna get more of it! *that is until Shangri-la paves the way (which should be a little nicer than the ritz no offence to all those die-hard Ritz fans! )

Stupid city hall is blocking out a chunk of our views of the Ritz :mad:!... and it looks SOOO ugly from behind :mad:... from the front it looks descent though :)

cheers :)

If your grandmother is in the Lexington that's a great building, there's really good sized apartments in there, cool rooftop deck and great facilities. I've friends in there and we nearly bought in there back in the mid-90's until we learned that no dogs were allowed. The A/C in there needs to be upgraded too, that's the only other downside of that building.

Back to Ritz, I could be wrong but from my POV I believe Shangri-La will rise just a little to the left of The Met Encore from my POV, so I don't think I'll lose The Ritz view.
