I read that the Vancouver Ritz-Carlton is resuming after being put on hold. That was in the summer perhaps but I am not sure what's the current status.
Ritz, MLS, Boutique, Festival, etc... ALL IN ONE !

Taken YESTERDAY from the AGO:

The Ritz is noticeably taller than RBC and continues to grow!






All photos by me: steveve :)!

enjoy :D!
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Great job steveve.

In a few months, that first shot will be an excellent vantage point for showing Shangri-La's impact on the skyline. Looks like Boutique will soon start to make an impact too... right before topping out of course.
Great job steveve.

In a few months, that first shot will be an excellent vantage point for showing Shangri-La's impact on the skyline. Looks like Boutique will soon start to make an impact too... right before topping out of course.

thanks, and i agree... Shangri-la will have a huge impact on the skyline from many vantage points (including this one). It will really balance things out (esp. the area between the CBD and RBC/Ritz area)... Boutique also will do a great job! :)

Since the museum is free in the afternoon for students (ME!) during the week... I have no excuse not to be there more often and take more shots! (i'll be a while before we see any huge movement from Shangri-la but i'll try to go when the Ritz tops off!)
Is that a piece of structural steel I see at the top of Ritz? The first of many to form the rest of the roof slope?

Is that a piece of structural steel I see at the top of Ritz? The first of many to form the rest of the roof slope?


hmmm.... i'm can't really see alot my the photo but i think it would make sense (from a construction stand point) to create the slant with steel.. After all... the slant will mostly house mechanical so i don't really see the need to be pouring alot of concrete for it...

time will tell :cool:
Is that a piece of structural steel I see at the top of Ritz? The first of many to form the rest of the roof slope?


The roof feature/mech. room is well underway. I don't know what materials are being used to form the slanted roof but I did see two concrete pumpers up there on Wednesday or Thursday and it looks like there's one active up there today. It's very hazy today so forgive the quality of these pics.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

great shots dt!... it's hard to make out what is going on up there but i do see the slant moving up now!

*the whole roof looks like such a mess!!! there's all sorts of junk everywhere!
Jan. 16th Update

great shots dt!... it's hard to make out what is going on up there but i do see the slant moving up now!

*the whole roof looks like such a mess!!! there's all sorts of junk everywhere!

Thanks steveve.

Two more shots from my POV, last night at 1am & today at 4pm. The Ritz is to the right of the CN Tower.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

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another great shot dt! ^

Yonge and Dundas/eaton centre is so bright! (i guess its a good and bad thing)

I believe the Ritz is getting a logo at the top of it... anyone know if its gonna light up? (i think it should)... that way, we'll be able to spot it from far away!
