Traynor, thanks for finishing that, now I can see what my view will be in a cpl of months.

Hey, can anyone add Shangri la to that, plus maybe 300 Yonge and a finished Lightbox. Then I wouldn't have to wait a few years :)
Traynor, thanks for finishing that, now I can see what my view will be in a cpl of months.

Hey, can anyone add Shangri la to that, plus maybe 300 Yonge and a finished Lightbox. Then I wouldn't have to wait a few years :)

You're welcome Mo-tage. But you better enjoy that view of a finished Ritz while you can. Judging from the angle of your view and the height of 300 Front street, I think it will hide most if not all of Ritz and FCP from your view.

However, Festival and Shangri-la will both be highly visable, as will L-Tower (at least until if and when they construct 151 Front street which would hide L from your view)

If I get some time I may be able to add some of these to your view.

You're welcome Mo-tage. But you better enjoy that view of a finished Ritz while you can. Judging from the angle of your view and the height of 300 Front street, I think it will hide most if not all of Ritz and FCP from your view.

However, Festival and Shangri-la will both be highly visable, as will L-Tower (at least until if and when they construct 151 Front street which would hide L from your view)

If I get some time I may be able to add some of these to your view.

Hmmm I think you're right, 300 front will kill a lot of my view of the CBA. Oh well it's a few years away and I'm only renting.

If you do get the time to play with that photo, let me take another one this weekend from the balcony with my camera (that was a BB pic). It will be of better quality and won't have the windows. I've been meaning to take some photos of my view as it is pretty spectacular.
Here's a shot of the new steel at the top taken from work. The quality sucks as the sun is shining right on the window.

Ritz - Jan. 29th

The Ritz today from my POV

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

great photos and photoshop work guys! its interesting to see how these formerly open gaps in the skyline are getting filled in. Ritz will have a very distinctive profile coming in on the Gardiner from the west....
Hmmm I think you're right, 300 front will kill a lot of my view of the CBA. Oh well it's a few years away and I'm only renting.

If you do get the time to play with that photo, let me take another one this weekend from the balcony with my camera (that was a BB pic). It will be of better quality and won't have the windows. I've been meaning to take some photos of my view as it is pretty spectacular.

OK Mo-tage I'll wait, but I've got an itchy Photoshop finger, so don't make me wait too long! LOL

It's cool you also have a view of Ritz from work, that is almost exactly 180 degress from your home view!
It seems counterintuitive to start with the north side. I wonder if they're just putting up that side of the steel for now, so that they can take down the tower crane and finish the roof with the derrick.
They will place all the steel on either side of the crane first before it gets removed.

The jib crane will only have to place the slopping beams that are in the way of the crane as will as the tie beams.

All the steel will be place on the roof first before the crane comes down.

From the photo's, somewhat surprise there not a few more columns up, but the weather and the wind haven't help.
Here you go Mo-tage. I finished Ritz for you, from your work view too!


(Original courtesy Mo-tage plus my questionable Photoshop skills)
Thanks Traynor, looks good. I really like the balcony cutouts on the side. BTW the new piece of steel they were adding yesterday has come back down. I noticed on my way home yesterday that it wasn't installed.

Check out the photos section, I added some pictures of my view from Montage.
Slightly off topic, but it's amazing how transparent RBC is with the sun lighting it from behind. You can make out buildings, the lake, and differences in the sky right through it.
