i see their installing cladding on the penthouse terrace now!... and i can't really see it well but is there already some cladding on the back end of the slant?
Now that the East side is nearly completed, some of the South side hoarding has been removed.

"Skateboard alley to the granite benches?"

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Awesome as always, Redroom!!
Beautiful Redroom ... some serious magnification you've got there (200 mm?) ~ nice ... :)
she's a beauty Redroom :D
Great pics redroom! The Ritz is just as good as I pictured it from the drawings! I knew I would like it.

Also, pretty impressive that Toronto is getting so large that you can zoom in on just one part of the skyline and have it look large enough to be an entire skyline of a mid-level city.
thanks fellow forumers... just glad to contribute something new after quite an abscence. For anyone interested I am using a SONY A550 which is a decent hobbyist camera, not quite pro level.
simply EPIC photography :D

The ritz looks great! I wish we could have gotten a close up of the glass on the roof! It looks good! and i can't wait till the zipper running along the side of the building to be complete!
Success tower looks amazing for some reason :D

Awesome stuff redroom :D
A wee off topic: wow, Sheraton needs to revamp their tower. They don't look like a $300 a night hotel. Ritz on the other hand looks like it can charge $700 a night and up. See what I did there? Kept it on topic after all ;)
