I would imagine that there is alot of heat trace cable up there to to prevent big chunks of ice from forming in certain spots.
No editting in this picture.. just took the shot and posted it


Redroom this is for you, cause you don't like when I overedit the pictures.
Thats a greatly composed shot caltrane! i like the way that (church-like building), encompasses the slants of the Ritz! it makes it look supertall! and not to mention RBC was MADE to stand alongside the Ritz! 2 great skyscrapers.. FO REAL!
Thats a greatly composed shot caltrane! i like the way that (church-like building), encompasses the slants of the Ritz! it makes it look supertall! and not to mention RBC was MADE to stand alongside the Ritz! 2 great skyscrapers.. FO REAL!

That "church-like bulding' looks that way because...it's a church. St. Andrew's to be precise.
Anybody else see what looked like LED testing on the Ritz last night? A horizontal band of light was coming out the Wellington side of the tower, just about at the height where the tower is widest.
I saw some lights on for the entire width of the building on the top floor. This has been on for the past number of nights though. And I haven't seen any LED's as of yet.
Yeah that level has had its lights on for days now. (Or nights, rather. Hehe.)

Is there a lighting feature planned? I never heard of any LED treatment being planned.
Seeing this tower last night really touched me-- not only is it not under-designed or over-designed (and tasteful), but its proportions couldn't be more perfect. Best of all was that the one feature I was most concerned about-- the podium, which I felt was too grey and opaque-- is VERY warm and glowing at night. The podium is the only "warm" building on that street at night. No renderings did justice to the rich, warm tones of wood from the interior of the podium that shine outwards at night. Absolutely beautifully done.
OMG! Sexy lighting! I think one of the reasons why the lighting works is because of the park to the north of it. it really highlights how tall this building really is...

Are these spotlights temporary/only for tiff?. because i would think it would be VERY annoying sleeping with those lights coming through your windows.

BTW: Is the penthouse atop the Ritz the highest residence in the city?. I think 1King west's penthouse was before...
Seeing this tower last night really touched me-- not only is it not under-designed or over-designed (and tasteful), but its proportions couldn't be more perfect. Best of all was that the one feature I was most concerned about-- the podium, which I felt was too grey and opaque-- is VERY warm and glowing at night. The podium is the only "warm" building on that street at night. No renderings did justice to the rich, warm tones of wood from the interior of the podium that shine outwards at night. Absolutely beautifully done.

Funny; I have a problem with the south aspect as seen from Front, the tower sprouting from the podium seems rather ungainly there...
The Ritz's north side was being used as a movie screen tonight. It looped through the Ritz symbol and images of green and red movie reels moving around the building. Here's a static image I shot from Queen:

