The macho "Whoa! Dudes! Look at me - I'm holding up the whole friggin' podium!" cantilevered exterior - somewhat reminiscent of Saddam's clunky bunker architecture - coupled with the flashily Babylonian interior decorating crimes in the lobby, suggest to me that 'shock and awe' didn't actually work.
I love it, podium included. It has a sense of power and modernism, then once you go inside it's all class and sophistication.
Pretty much a description of modern-day Toronto, in my opinion of course.
It's too bad that Ritz went up before Shangri La. If it had gone up a little later, the cladding would have been at least as good as Shangri La or even Four Seasons.

So sad.

Can you imagine if this tower had FS'ish, or SL'ish cladding?

Better cladding and opening windows would improve this building. Non opening windows in units is going to turn out to be a HUGE mistake.
I love it, podium included. It has a sense of power and modernism, then once you go inside it's all class and sophistication.
Pretty much a description of modern-day Toronto, in my opinion of course.

Yes, but 'modern' only stays 'modern' for so long. I'm sure Robarts Library looked 'modern' in its day...
Yes, but 'modern' only stays 'modern' for so long. I'm sure Robarts Library looked 'modern' in its day...

But to be fair, so did Union Station and whatever other Toronto landmarks out there. (Check out the literature for proof.)
But to be fair, so did Union Station and whatever other Toronto landmarks out there. (Check out the literature for proof.)

Well... in that case, anything looks modern when it's built. I just find that 'modern' post WWII has come to mean right angles, concrete, glass and mullions.

Indiana Limestone will always be timeless. Grey exterior panels that click into place will never...
Well... in that case, anything looks modern when it's built. I just find that 'modern' post WWII has come to mean right angles, concrete, glass and mullions.

Indiana Limestone will always be timeless. Grey exterior panels that click into place will never...

If Modernism isn't timeless, then why is it still being built almost a century later? In that time, various styles have come and gone, but today, Modernism is still appreciated. Anyway, there is no timeless style. (For instance, what happened to Victorian design in the 1960s?) My point is that Modernism's appeal has lasted much longer than just a couple of decades, contrary to what some naysayers thought and continue to think.
Jan 19
This view will be lost by 2013





If this thing is opening in the next couple of weeks, the installation of the signage must be imminent, eh? Nice pics drum....
If this thing is opening in the next couple of weeks, the installation of the signage must be imminent, eh? Nice pics drum....

The rooms are absolutely stunning... sorry I wasn't permitted to take any photos.
Additionally, the place is booked SOLID until late March 2011.
