It costs me $2 for a cup of tea at Second Cup. $4 doesn't seem outrageous for tea at the Ritz-Carleton. Hey, did you notice if there was anywhere to plug in my laptop? I wonder if they 'd mind if I plunked myself in the corner to do a few hours of work?

I have no doubt they'd welcome you with open arms (while dragging you out the back door to the alley).
Lmfao! That would be intense!

And $4 for tea is nothing too fancy, but anything over 5 would be really pushing it.

I recall paying $28 for tea and two small scones at the Park Hyatt- I almost pulled a dine and dash. This seems like a lot of fanfare for the opening of a hotel, albeit a luxury one. I wonder if the Trump, 4seasons and S-LA will also put on a swanky soiree.
Ritz, taken this morning.

wow MO-TAGE ^^^
sweet how close you can get to it!

Here's a cool video tour of the Ritz posted by businesstravelleruk on youtube:

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I recall paying $28 for tea and two small scones at the Park Hyatt- I almost pulled a dine and dash. This seems like a lot of fanfare for the opening of a hotel, albeit a luxury one. I wonder if the Trump, 4seasons and S-LA will also put on a swanky soiree.

Sir...... You have been ripped off

Lol. Unless it was a really really special cup of tea! (or scones. However you want to put it)
Has the N-S walkway between The Ritz and RBC, from Wellington to the Front been opened yet? I have not been there in a while. Also, is the hoarding still up on the west side, next to the CBC Building?
I weep for the future of audio/visual productions. The YouTube generation has destroyed the art of creating good film. That two minute video was so badly filmed and edited that it almost gave me a seizure.

That sad part is, anyone under 25 or 30 wouldn't even know what I was talking about. All their visuals including video games, movies and music videos are filmed with Attention Deficit Disorder as their main theme.
Great shot Androiduk .. I would have trouble even recognizing the building from that picture!
Ok, I thought the wink I put in my post above would hint that it was not androiduk's photo.

However, I take it as a complement that anyone would mistake one of my photos taken with my blackberry for one of andrioduk's.

And yes all the hoarding is down now and all the walkways are open.
I can see the visiting MLB and NBA teams staying at the Ritz. They usually stay at the Four Seasons or Hyatt when in town. When i stayed at the Ritz in Philly the NY Mets were staying there, with all their" handlers" carrying the athletes luggage. When you make millions of dollars a year playing a sport you don't have carry your own luggage.
Has the N-S walkway between The Ritz and RBC, from Wellington to the Front been opened yet? I have not been there in a while. Also, is the hoarding still up on the west side, next to the CBC Building?

I went for a lunch time walk around the Ritz and the walkway from the park to Wellington is open, the hoarding is down, the gardens have been planted. About the only thing not yet in place is the back patio of the Ritz -- is this supposed to be an outdoor terrasse for a bar or restaurant?

RBC Dexia and the Ritz have made this stretch of downtown fabulous all of a sudden. Really completes the 'nabe.
I can see the visiting MLB and NBA teams staying at the Ritz. They usually stay at the Four Seasons or Hyatt when in town. When i stayed at the Ritz in Philly the NY Mets were staying there, with all their" handlers" carrying the athletes luggage. When you make millions of dollars a year playing a sport you don't have carry your own luggage.

