whew! well that's a relief.....
Vancouver's long-awaited Ritz-Carlton hotel is one example of a stalled development. The builder says it's because he wants to make some tweaks to the design but the delays have unnerved some who have put down deposits on units. They're beginning to panic that their investment is also about to be gutted.

It's been changed on the site too.
I think the author of the report has the Toronto project confused with the Vancouver one. The Vancouver Ritz has been delayed indefinitely.

Last report was that work has recommenced. Not sure how definite that is, but it is unlikely that this project will be stalled forever.
I am having trouble finding any corroboration that work has recommenced on the Vancouver RC. Do you have a source you can quote on that?

Went by the Ritz today and was a little bit taken aback.... we all know that the east/west elevations show a very narrow tower that ultimately cantilevers out to the south... but... the north/south footprint (da big part of da building) is shockingly thin too.... this is going to be a very small but tall tower.

The Ritz renders have widen the building's appearance from the north/south beyond belief, compared to the emerging footprint.

I just realized I've never see a real city document with actual elevations.... has anyone else see it??? Pretty sure it's no where on UT.
I just looked now and couldn't find any City Planning staff reports ... maybe this site was "pre-zoned" and did not require any OPA or ZBA, therefore it would have only been a Site Plan Approval process delegated to staff review (and maybe minor variance?)

Can anyone working for City of Toronto confirm ~ :)
Thanks Officedweller! How did they manage to cross the property line? Poorly surveyed, or willful trespass? Either way, it's rather amazing!

In regards to our Ritz, yup, this is going to be quite the svelte landmark.

Glass cladding has started to go up on the first few levels on the east side facing RBC. They are covering a blank wall. Too far away to tell how good they look.
