I'm a bit surprised at the criticism being leveled at this building so far. It definitely is no stunner at the moment, but the beauty of this tower should be presented in the top third of it. Even looking at the renderings, there has never been any indication that the bottom portion would be anything special (save, perhaps, for the podium). While not startlingly beautiful, the materials look to be of a high quality. I'm waiting this one out before making any judgement, but remain optimistic.
I'm a bit surprised at the criticism being leveled at this building so far. It definitely is no stunner at the moment, but the beauty of this tower should be presented in the top third of it. Even looking at the renderings, there has never been any indication that the bottom portion would be anything special (save, perhaps, for the podium). While not startlingly beautiful, the materials look to be of a high quality. I'm waiting this one out before making any judgement, but remain optimistic.

I agree, sit back and enjoy this one,:) and yes i do believe that the same individuals bad mouthing this complex are going to be eating their words.:D
July 8th

From College & McCaul Sts. -

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

I cant remember feeling so underwhelmed by a building u/c at 30+ floors. I think part of the problem is illustrated in Caltrane's last image... we have RBC, Simcoe Place and Ritz all essentially dark glass boxes, all with horizontal accents. Too much of the same grouped together here and the impact is lost for me.

I agree, so far it's just another glass box, although the podium is better than most. The tower is not interesting or impressive at all, as of yet.
Y'know what? I'm coming around on this one - especially the brown bands on the south side. I was staring at them from Simcoe Park the other day, but it was only when I turned around that I figured them out: the sandstone-coloured south face reflects the materials used on Front - the brown convention centre, the old L'Hotel down the way (what is it now?). The muted north face, meanwhile, talks to Roy Thompson and the Metro Centre. I'm really kind of impressed.
I'm a bit surprised at the criticism being leveled at this building so far. It definitely is no stunner at the moment, but the beauty of this tower should be presented in the top third of it. Even looking at the renderings, there has never been any indication that the bottom portion would be anything special (save, perhaps, for the podium). While not startlingly beautiful, the materials look to be of a high quality. I'm waiting this one out before making any judgement, but remain optimistic.

Y'know what? I'm coming around on this one - especially the brown bands on the south side. I was staring at them from Simcoe Park the other day, but it was only when I turned around that I figured them out: the sandstone-coloured south face reflects the materials used on Front - the brown convention centre, the old L'Hotel down the way (what is it now?). The muted north face, meanwhile, talks to Roy Thompson and the Metro Centre. I'm really kind of impressed.

I'm with you folks, I like what I see so far with both the tower and podium. The materials appear to be of good quality and by the very fact it's not another green glass box is refreshing in of itself (not a slam against great projects such as Spire, Casa, 18 Yorkville, Murano, Pure Spirit etc.). I'm as excited as ever about Ritz Carlton and looking forward to seeing this continue up. I've kept my clam shut until now thinking I was in the minority on my opinion and felt I'd only have to defend myself for stating such which I'm simply not up for.
I love the metallic feel of this one, from the cladding on the north side, to the aluminum siding inside of the glass on the lower south side. It's all really interesting and different, and not like any building in Toronto at all.
by me; caltrane

pic and comments by Jasonzed at SSC......very interesting news, if true...and it would answer the question, 'why build an elaborate sales centre now, when the Ritz-Carlton project is already substantially sold?'

According to the onsite construction workers, this is going to be a presentation centre for a new Ritz-Carlton condo (40-50s) tower; no mention of a hotel. It's slated for construction in two years time...

Well that's interesting news. It doesn't make sense to build such a big structure for a building that I would assume is probably already mostly sold.
According to the onsite construction workers, this is going to be a presentation centre for a new Ritz-Carlton condo (40-50s) tower; no mention of a hotel. It's slated for construction in two years time...

Thats all good.:)
I hate to say it, but the rumour doesn't really add up imo. First of all they'd need a rezoning, which would be public knowledge and they wouldn't be selling condos for a tower they don't have permissions to build yet. Secondly, at a couple million per condo spending a hundred thousand (or so) on a new sales centre would actually make sense even if the tower is 80% or more sold. Besides, when the most expensive condos in the city are selling at around $600 psf right now, it doesn't really make sense to put another 50 storeys of $1000 psf condos.
but I could be wrong :)
