That would be the south side. Like the Gwen Stefani/Moby song.

Oops, my brain computed south side but my fingers typed north :rolleyes:.
I know it's the south side, my mistake. Thanks Dugmor.
some other shots I took....



I made a quick sketch of what the slant should look like using Caltrane's photo:


What do you guys think?
great shots Cal, these last few are actually making me start to appreciate this building a bit more...

and pinkie, your sketch just makes the suspense build that much more... that roof should be a cool addition into the skyline!
hey guys, glad you like the photos. pinkie thanks for doing that sketch, as it'll help me with the next update that i do, cause ill kknow to look for the roof sloping back to the front of the building. marcus thanks for the props, i wasnt too sure that exact picture would come out well cause it was kinda dark on the led screen...but it came out ok actually.. yes redroom, even with my point and shoot crumby as it is the sleek and beautiful lines of this building are shining through...the glass looks nice even withs the colour...obviously very high quality when comppared to other projects.and the design of the slant is elegant, if its not so flambouant as some had hoped. just a great project all around, lets see if shangri la toronto, trump toronto and four seasons toronto can match up.....
Going back to Caltranes shot:

Very nicely done!... great composition.
Look closely and you'll see a nIn... lol

*And I agree with dt's post!... That shot of yours made the South facing side actually look nice cause you get a bit of the slant included with it!

And Pinkie, thanks for outlining the rest of it!.. I can't wait to see the finished thing with glass and all!

Good stuff :)
It's amazing to me how much better the Ritz looks on an overcast day. Having a bit of gray in the sky really seems to make the horizontal bands pop. I guess it's not unlike BA in that sense.

caltrane's last photo is also really neat for the way that the side of RBC just sort of disappears
This question is follow-up of discussion from month ago regarding how they are planning to clean the windows. Did anyone found out how exactly they plan to clean the windows on the south side?
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Cheer up everyone! :)

Ritz by night, long shot (city shot) and closeup (patience please, I'm still working with a new camera and lenses)

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

nice nightshots dt. kinda like 'where's waldo' when trying to find the ritz. didn't realize where it was until opening the 2nd pic:p
Breath Taking Pics :eek:.....drum, you are truly amazing with your camera.:)

Indeed... truly spectacular!...

The slant looks great (not to mention the building itself lol!)

It could be a while before we actually see the roof slant (probably around 1.5-2 weeks)
