It only looked like that because they had tons of scaffolding in the lantern. It is much cleaner looking without it. I do get what you're saying though.

When they removed the scaffolding, it still looked messy and to put it bluntly, very weak.
Here's a photo i found on the Toronto Star website showing the Ritz with Police
***The Ritz has never looked so beast!

The ritz's west side is looking good! It's awesome how this tower truly stands out amongst the other boxy towers in the city... And when l tower is built, they'll be some interesting contrast between the 2. The only difference between them is that the ritz is sharp and l tower is curved. And the ritz slant faces south and l towers faces north...
Is it just me or do the mullions make this building look worse than it should? What's with the ubiquity of these mullions on nearly every building. They just cheapen the look in my opinion.
The white trim that they're adding around the slanted roof really makes it stand out in a good way in the skyline when viewed from the lake.

I shot these yesterday:

The tower is getting all the attention right now so I thought I'd show some love to the podium. I actually think it's looking pretty bland and sterile right now but I think it'll look better when it's occupied and especially when it's all lit up at night



