truly spectacular shot!. was it taken from FCP or an airplane! lol. must be nice living that high up in this weather, you'll probably feel like you're living 30,000 feet up in the air.


by me, tried to bribe the foreman to get in, close but no cigar. they said completion should be sometime around febuary
On yesterday's The National (November 19th) they did a piece on luxury hotels and condos, namely Trump, Shangri-la & The Ritz with a bit on a fellow who is a DOT.COM CEO that bought into Thompson Hotel. They listed sales for four of the sites, Shangri-la -$640M, Four Seasons - $675M, The Ritz - $310M and Trump at $210M. They also said that the penthouse at the Ritz sold recently for around $10M.

If you want to view the 5 minute piece the link is below, it's about at the 40-45 minute mark into the program
Photos please!

I got those mendeer for you after all...

I assume those huge plant holders are dual purpose - plans and restricting car bombers (there's so many of those bombs going off in Toronto these days). If not I don't see why they'd make them so big. From the photo they look like solid cylindrical concrete blocks. I suppose they may look better when those concrete walkway barriers are gone and there's less concrete all around, but probably not.
