Great shot by tomms. While Toronto in January is not an outdoor city and so this photo is not necessarily representative, there is a notable lack in the picture of a high rise using its roof top area for anything other than covering the top floor or services.

While there are plenty of low rise roof top bars and restaurants in a number of areas - Yorkville/Bloor, Queen, etc., the only high rise I can think of is the Manulife building. Are there any other high rise outdoor rooftop restaurants/bars in Toronto?

Without mentioning any other city by name and getting into an argument about what Toronto is or is not, there are plenty of other places that do have restaurants, bars and lounges on the roofs of high rise hotels (usually), offices, etc.?

There are few summertime experiences more enticing than sitting outdoors on a rooftop with martini in hand and watching the sunset on a big city skyline. While not a high rise, the rooftop of the AGO would be perfect.

I think the bottom and top are all wrong, along with the detailing in the setbacks, the rest is fine. The shot directly above here catches the best of the buildings well, and the angle helps.
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While there are plenty of low rise roof top bars and restaurants in a number of areas - Yorkville/Bloor, Queen, etc., the only high rise I can think of is the Manulife building. Are there any other high rise outdoor rooftop restaurants/bars in Toronto?

Without mentioning any other city by name and getting into an argument about what Toronto is or is not, there are plenty of other places that do have restaurants, bars and lounges on the roofs of high rise hotels (usually), offices, etc.?

There are few summertime experiences more enticing than sitting outdoors on a rooftop with martini in hand and watching the sunset on a big city skyline. While not a high rise, the rooftop of the AGO would be perfect.

Nearby on the 18th floor of the Park Hyatt is The Roof Lounge, which I've heard good things about. And of course there's the ever classy Hooter's at Richmond and John with its rooftop patio. Lukewarm pints and boneless chicken wings can't be beat!
I might get in big trouble for saying this but...

These should have been covered in a sandy-coloured or light precast. High-quality precast is the modern equivalent of stone for most buildings (or atleast residential projects) and would have made more sense and been far more convincing than metal panels on what is supposed to be an art deco-inspired tower.

I might get in big trouble for saying this but...

These should have been covered in a sandy-coloured or light precast. High-quality precast is the modern equivalent of stone for most buildings (or atleast residential projects) and would have made more sense and been far more convincing than metal panels on what is supposed to be an art deco-inspired tower.


It wouldn't have been much better. This isn't supposed to be art deco, but rather postmodern.
Well, being 2008, yes it would be postmodern and not art deco. But my point is that the metal cladding looks so busy, the lines between each panel are way too noticeable and makes it look cheap.

The stone base is actually my favourite part of it.
With the exception of the tiny bit of black granite on the base, I don't think there's any stone on this thing. I walked by it the other day, the precast on the awning columns is chipped and cracked already. It's atrocious, these buildings are atrocious. Aura had better do a damn fine job in redeeming the entire Residences of College Park development, and to do so it's going to have to be pretty amazing.
I walked by it the other day, the precast on the awning columns is chipped and cracked already. It's atrocious, these buildings are atrocious.

Ha ha :rolleyes: Its time to bring in the dynamite,implode and rebuild them with a couple of shiny blue and green glass boxes.
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If I recall there were chips and cracks around the retail of the north tower when the hoarding came down. Wouldn't these be considered deficiencies?
Ha ha :rolleyes: Its time to bring in the dynamite,implode and rebuild them with a couple of shiny blue and green glass boxes.

Boredom of a particular style doesn't justify poorly done alternatives.

Boxes with vibrantly coloured glass or metal panels randomly placed on the facade will do. A twisty tower will also do. As will a well designed postmodern tower...
A twisty tower will also do.

Twisty,Not in Toronto,take it to Dubai or Shanghai.I have never seen so much criticism of buildings that are not big boxes,example the artsy fartsy BCE complex forumers pray that the 3rd tower proposed is not of any other shape than a box.Theres the ROCP,they dont like the design and the podium so they say its cheap and crumbling,there is the plain ugly NY Towers.Bloody hell even the 51 storey 1 King W.has been critized constantly, meanwile its one of the sleekest buildings around.I am surprised there has been little bashing on the designs of the Ritz,L-Tower,Trump,again they are not up yet, i guess we will have to wait and see.
Ha ha :rolleyes: Its time to bring in the dynamite,implode and rebuild them with a couple of shiny blue and green glass boxes.

Assuming that you're assuming that I am lamenting the buildings' particular style, I am not. While I don't think they quite pulled off what they were going for with the RoCP towers, my main objection is to the poor quality of the finishing used on the buildings. From chipped precast at the base, to cheap aluminum paneling on the towers, the buildings were completed to a standard far below than what should have been allowed.
stayed at the delta chelsea the other night..23rd floor with a northern exposure and noted how clunky rocp is. it's almost comical how they put those bizarre hats on them.
they look like fat old bubbies.
on the other hand, the met twins to the east looked absolutely sexy IMO.
what a contrast in design and execution.
stayed at the delta chelsea the other night..23rd floor with a northern exposure and noted how clunky rocp is. it's almost comical how they put those bizarre hats on them.
they look like fat old bubbies.
on the other hand, the met twins to the east looked absolutely sexy IMO.
what a contrast in design and execution.

You sure those hats werent belly buttons.
You sure those hats werent belly buttons.

the delta is positively famous for its belly button views and exposure in all directions.
unfortunately, i was there on delta's special hospital rate...119 per night btw: in case anyone has someone at Toronto General and needs a quick room for a reasonable price.
beats ronald mcdonald house.
