There isn't a lot of room in an obvious way, one more set of rooms to the north where the skywalk is I suppose, but I would imagine that expansion and reworking of the convention centre would take into account some more space for the aquarium.

I knew the same thing but then I found this article, which says that ripleys is the largest.
Being largest aquarium in Canada isn't saying much, as Canada doesn't have many aquariums. (Does Marineland count as an aquarium?)

From what I've heard, the biggest complaint about this aquarium, is that it's too small. You can go through it in 1 hour. (or less, if you have impatient kids) One hour of entertainment for 35 dollars is quite expensive. I realize most people take their time and stretch it out to 1.5 - 2 hours but like I said, from the feedback I've gotten, it takes about one hour for most people. I hope they expand this aquarium, in the near future.

My neighbour told me, she went through it with her 2 kids in 45 minutes and felt she didn't get her money's worth, so she went to walk through it again and was stopped by the staff. It seems that once you go through it, they will not let you go back and see things again. (unlike the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago) So when you go to Ripley's take your time and linger for a while.
^ if that is the case then I guess Vancouver Aquarium is bigger because there are reptiles, birds and other animals as well. It took around 2 hrs to go through it. it was nice though.
I don't think that we need to have the world's best buildings and/or attractions. I think living in the best city of the world's best country is enough.

The Best Cities of The Best Countries in the World have the Best of Evrything! Lol They Never Think of Mediocrity! They think the best That Makes them the Best in the World! Unlike the way most Torontonians think! They're always contented with what they have! That's why Toronto is Far behind its Counterparts!
