What is the point of an Aquarium?? Just so we can have an aquarium like everyone else??? It doesn’t make any sense. If you are going to build an "attraction", build something unique or special. Another aquarium in this world - especially one that is less than average in size - is a ridiculous idea. What? Are we not a real "world class city" without an aquarium? Get real.

If all you want to be is "like everyone else" go ahead and build your mediocre, small aquarium. Personally I would rather see something unique or spectacular as an attraction. The CN tower was unique and will always be. But just another aquarium - and there are several "Ripley's" aquariums already in existence - is just plain stupid.

What's the point of having an aquarium? What's the point of having the Science Centre? What's the point of having the ACC? Perhaps there doesn't have to be some greater meaning or purpose behind the building of an aquarium other than the fact that it would be nice to have one.

I've been to a few aquariums around the world - some good (e.g. Barcelona, Vegas) and some bad (e.g. Alexandria) - and I'd really enjoy getting the chance to see some exotic sea life without having to hop on an airplane. I can't tell you how big those aquariums were or how nice the buildings looked, because I frankly don't remember or care - all I remember was the specimens themselves that I saw within.

You can complain all you want about the architecture and the size, but most people who will attend couldn't care less. Customers are in it for the displays, despite what that god-damned mythical Bilbao Effect would have you believe. If anything, this prerequisite that an aquarium must be unique to be worthwhile is a greater indicator of civil insecurity. Can't we just build an aquarium because it would be enjoyable to... you know, actually go there?
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How 'bout a Gehry-esque bow tie........?

Or how abour a Gehry-esque fish, to fit in the aquarium theme. Apparently he's designed a number of them...




You can complain all you want about the architecture and the size, but most people who will attend couldn't care less. Customers are in it for the displays, despite what that god-damned mythical Bilbao Effect would have you believe. If anything, this prerequisite that an aquarium must be unique to be worthwhile is a greater indicator of civil insecurity. Can't we just build an aquarium because it would be enjoyable to... you know, actually go there?

That is Toronto's biggest problem. We hardly put any effort into aesthetics. Everything is about function. Sure most people could care less how the aquarium will look but wouldn't those same people also be more intrigued to visit if the building was unique and visually alluring?
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This idea would be a perfect fit for Niagara Falls, which already has a lot of odd stuff, is near the water, and close to Marine Land. It could complement that area nicely.

If it has to go to Toronto, Ontario Place would be a good spot or, I don't know...maybe somewhere along the currently empty waterfront slated for development?!
What source,:rolleyes: basicaly it will cost twice as much to build a similar size aquarium on a new man made island in the Ontario Place area.
A few years back Ripley's Entertainment proposed to build an indoor water park and aquarium at Ontario Place. There studies showed that Ontario Place would not be a good location for this complex, the CN Tower base and Dundas Square were the two ideal locations for an aquarium.
A few years back Ripley's Entertainment proposed to build an indoor water park and aquarium at Ontario Place. There studies showed that Ontario Place would not be a good location for this complex, the CN Tower base and Dundas Square were the two ideal locations for an aquarium.

Okay you've already repeated this exact same post like 10x I think.

Any I still disagree.
That is Toronto's biggest problem. We hardly put any effort into aesthetics. Everything is about function. Sure most people could care less how the aquarium will look but wouldn't those same people also be more intrigued to visit if the building was unique and visually alluring?

People would definitely be 'intrigued to visit' if the building was visually alluring, but I'd rather have a functional aquarium than none at all.
People would definitely be 'intrigued to visit' if the building was visually alluring, but I'd rather have a functional aquarium than none at all.

That just adds to the problem. That's the philosophy our developers always follow. We need to start being more of a visionary city. It amazes me that a structure like the CN Tower was built in this town. And for a city which is so liberal you'd think our architecture would have more flair.
Can you stop? Unless you have the study for us to see, you're not helping. I know that the city put out a request for an aquarium proposal back in 2005, but there is nothing on the internet that displays these proposals/studies. Unless you can provide them, you're not helping at all by making the same comments over and over.
