Senior Member
Yes, a second-rate aquarium is better than nothing. But I don't know how you can jump to the conclusion that this will be second-rate simply by comparing pictures. Have you ever been to a Ripley's aquarium or are you just looking for ways to shit on this project? Hardly air tight logic.
Can't we just wait and see before declaring this a disaster? This is a high-profile project for Ripley's, so I wouldn't expect them to half-ass it. And even if they do give us a "second-rate" aquarium (which will be the 5th largest on the continent) I'll still gladly enjoy all the wonders inside while you stand outside crying about it.
WOW! I think you might be right, Ripley's aquariums really are world class. I just went to their web site and saw that they are going to have the Weekie Wachee Mermaids on display. I'm not sure what a "Weekie Wachee" is but real, live mermaids would be incredible. And I bet they are the only aquarium in the world to have mermaids. The Shedd Aquarium must be so jealous.
Now if only we could have Weekie Wachee Mermaids in Toronto, we'd have a world class aquarium. (Or better yet, mermen! I'd love to see a couple of those.) I wonder if they could breed a few of them mermaids and sell them to us for our aquarium. Talk about educational!
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