"its better having no aquarium than a bad aquarium "

I truly believe it is better to have no aquarium than a bad one. What is it with this mentality that we can't do something great that is plaguing Toronto?

It's annoying. I've been complaining about it for years. Torontonians seem to have this attitude that doing things half assed is okay. I find it very strange.
Maybe it's not so much that Torontonians do things half assed so much as 'accept' things as half assed?

As somebody already mentioned this is a private initiative. If they thought that building bigger and better than elsewhere would return a bigger and better profit they likely would. I'd point them to the experience of Olympic Spirit and tell them go big or go home. An iconic site at a potentially revitalized OP would be enormous exposure for the Ripley's brand, or for anybody's brand for that matter. Especially if there is an Olympics Games in the area at some point. This is a rare opportunity to create something truly memorable and to give Toronto a much-needed 4-star tourist attraction (three stars for the Michelin Green Guide I suppose). Maybe the city should get involve and partner with Ripley's on this?
"Troy McClure? You said he was dead!"
"No, what I said is that he sleeps with the fishes."
Images from the above pdf:



Not sure what to make of the design...but:

Occupancy Estimated to be June 2013...nice.
From the pdf:

The architectural form consists of a stealth-like multi-faceted shell clad in large aluminum panels. The main architectural gesture is the lifting of the entrance roof and peeling away the earth’s crust to reveal a window into habitats of the aquatic world. This expression is further emphasized through the folded light-coloured façade surfaces that juxtapose the vibrant reflective aluminum soffits.
This is the same architect from B+H that designed the Cumberland Terrace Re-development proposal.
It actually doesn't suck..it just looks puny in the context of such supersized buildings like the CN Tower, Rogers Centre and Convention Centre; wonder if more of the building will be located underground.
I like the building but I feel that it won't fit in unless this design language planned for the aquarium is used elsewhere on the CN Tower grounds, namely on the new buildings going along the West wall (SkyDome stairs) and the future podium/entrance to the CN Tower.

I'm glad to see the developers aware of the importance of this space and taking great care to respect it, and enhance it. The request for proposals for the public art sites are also very encouraging.
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