I believe the Vancouver Aquarium wants to expand, if they do, it'll be the same size as the one in Toronto (i.e. 150K or so). But its very much a local aquarium, so it'll be different then Toronto's.

Toronto's will be a joke in comparison to the one in Atlanta or Chicago.

The Atlanta and Chicago aquariums are each arguably the best aquarium in the world. There's no shame in not being able to compare to that.
I agree, but I'm not expecting too much from our aquarium, I think it'll be OK ... not really on par with the AGO / ROM / or Science Center ... which are among the largest in the corresponding attraction category in North America.
The Atlanta and Chicago aquariums are each arguably the best aquarium in the world. There's no shame in not being able to compare to that.

Do tourists specifically go to a city because it has an aquarium? Or is it a secondary or tertiary consideration? We stumbled upon the SF aquarium and went inside as we had the passport, but we didn't even seek it out despite the fact it was part of our ticket.
^^ IS the Vancouver Aquarium world class? It seemed pretty puny and unimpressive to me.

I would say so. It's not always about size. In addition to being an aquarium, it's is a centre for marine research, conservation and marine animal rehabilitation. Unlike Ripley's which is basically marine life in tanks. The Vancouver aquarium also created the 'Ocean Wise' program there - you see it on menu's all over the city. Sustainable seafood options identified by the aquarium and supported by the local restaurant industry.
Do tourists specifically go to a city because it has an aquarium? Or is it a secondary or tertiary consideration? We stumbled upon the SF aquarium and went inside as we had the passport, but we didn't even seek it out despite the fact it was part of our ticket.

I've gone to Monterey specifically because of its aquarium, twice now. If it's a good enough aquarium, why not? I'd put the Monterey Bay Aquarium up there with Chicago's Shedd (haven't been to Atlanta's) and ahead of the National in Baltimore.

I've gone to Monterey specifically because of its aquarium, twice now. If it's a good enough aquarium, why not? I'd put the Monterey Bay Aquarium up there with Chicago's Shedd (haven't been to Atlanta's) and ahead of the National in Baltimore.


Those are the best aquariums in North America ... again ours won't really be comparable ... its a lot smaller.
I'm just happy that we are getting an aquarium. Any aquarium. I have only seen one in my life, at Monterey, and if we have anything like that I will be impressed. And I've gone swimming and snorkeling at Xel-Ha park (basically a huge outdoor/natural aquarium) in Riviera Maya and felt like I was a fish. So I can't think of anything better than to see sharks and colourful fish during a cold winter's day and dreaming that I'm down south while still in TO :p Now THAT's a cheap vacation!

p.s. I'm sure that they can expand at some point, if warranted. And if we need to be the largest/biggest/grandest.
I'm confused... Isnt the Ripleys supposed to be 1.5M gallons?

A quick google search says that there are only 4 or 5 aquariums in the world that are more than 1.5M gallons?

Who ever said that Toronto's was going to be small?
I've been to several of the mentioned aquariums and several others in other parts of the world. Fine facilities all. But why does everything always have to be the biggest or the best? Why can't it just be a place to take the kids because the kids like sea creatures?

I just wish that there will be or was a good exhibit featuring the fresh and ocean sea life of Ontario so people can actually see what is in our waters. I don't know, maybe Ontario's sea shoreline is utterly boring but we have as much sea shoreline as California or British Columbia (let alone the fresh water lakes and rivers) and I have no idea what lives there.
my favourite ZOO is the CENTRAL PARK ZOO... WHY? Because its sooo small... Has a good amount of animals in a walkable area that doesn't take all day to complete... So small can be good... BTW I HATEEEE THE TORONOTO ZOO.. A central Park like ZOo on centre Island would be awesome though.
my favourite ZOO is the CENTRAL PARK ZOO... WHY? Because its sooo small... Has a good amount of animals in a walkable area that doesn't take all day to complete... So small can be good... BTW I HATEEEE THE TORONOTO ZOO.. A central Park like ZOo on centre Island would be awesome though.

I know what you mean, and the Toronto zoo is the largest (or second largest) in North America :)

There is a lot of controversy over the central park zoo btw ... i.e. the small pens many animals have.

But its like the high park zoo !! Just on a much larger scale.
The Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach Ca. is worth a visit as well, for anyone traveling to the L.A. area. There are multiple exhibits of tropical, sub-tropical, and cold water species, both very large and smaller exibits. Plus, the Queen Mary is nearby too! :)
my favourite ZOO is the CENTRAL PARK ZOO... WHY? Because its sooo small... Has a good amount of animals in a walkable area that doesn't take all day to complete... So small can be good... BTW I HATEEEE THE TORONOTO ZOO.. A central Park like ZOo on centre Island would be awesome though.

Yeah, small is good if it's FREE! If I have to pay 35 dollars for it, I don't want to go through it in 1 hour. I know when my out of town friends went to Olympic Spirit, the biggest complaint is that it was too small and it wasn't worth the price for a (under one hour) crappy museum/attraction. I never heard a single person recommend it and I knew a fair amount of people who went there. I think the bad word of mouth killed it.

Kids love everything. You can put a few balloons in a room and kids will all have a great time. It's the parents who pay the cash that you have to please. I'm sure all the kids who went to Olympic Spirit, thought it was AMAZING! That didn't keep it in business very long.

If you are going to chargre big prices for an attraction, you need to deliver a big attraction, that delivers on quality.
The Atlanta and Chicago aquariums are each arguably the best aquarium in the world. There's no shame in not being able to compare to that.

But then why built some mediocre aquarium? What's the point when there are better ones out there? I find that's the problem with Toronto. It has some good ideas, but then always ended up with mediocre outcomes. Metroplois/DundasSq/AMC/Toronto Life (do they even have a name for that building?) had great potential, but look at it now, just butt ugly from inside out. Four Season Theater, instead of getting something wow like the one in LA, we get a glass and concrete box. Ritz, one of the ugliest square tower out there. Shangri-la, yawn. So many opportunities. All failed.
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