Not to say that we shouldn't have an aquarium downtown, but the child isn't exactly deprived. There is always Riverdale and High Park farm/zoo, ROM, AGO, Centre Island, etc in a stonethrow, which is more than one can say for a kid in suburban Vaughan.

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^^What about Wonderland or the new Lego Discovery Centre?
I'm not saying Vaughan is the bastion of urbanity but there are definitely family attractions here!

Fair enough, but suburban Vaughan covers a rather large area, in comparison to downtown Toronto, and the accessibility of attractions are unparalleled. Besides, Wonderland is a season attraction, like CNE - counting it seems a bit unfair.

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Oh for sure, in fact I think they did have a memebership to the ROM, and I my sister would shiver at the prospect of living in Vaughan. In the immediate proximity of central waterfront where there is so much residential development, family attractions was sort of lacking, especially those that can be enjoyed in the winter months. That doesn't mean that it's not getting better, improvements have been made with the CityPlace park, the library being built at Bathurst, the potential school (is that still happening?), and the ongoing improvement of the Waterfront but my nephew was born over three years ago, not five years in the future.
And while I personnaly dislike Vaughan (along with Markham, and my hometown Richmond Hill), it ins't the worst. People still have a broader perspective of the world, whereas in places like Aurora and Newmarket that certainly diminishes. Not surprisingly the biggest pothead friends of mine growing up were the ones from Aurora, because frankly there's nothing else to do. A lot of them are still keen on living there forever too, while my friends from Richmond Hill and Thornhill tended to be more adventerous. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

Regarding the Aquarium, when is the projected completion date again?
Canadian Chocho:

In fact, I think a kid in downtown will have the luxury of being exposed to so much different, exciting things (and I don't meant it sarcastically, re: less savory elements) - art, music, culture, cuisines, etc. Open space is at a relative premium, of course, but there are no reasons why they can't have a jolly good time growing up.

re: Opening - Summer 2013, though the delays mentioned probably make that dicey.

And people are whining about it anyway. Damned if you do...

Once again, can forumers please not bitch about other people bitching?

"Damned if you do...". Absolutely damned if you do something ugly. And that blue and red glass sure is ugly.
Thanks for the pile of updates today sMT.

Love the red and blue glass on the new CN pavilion. I think that's going to become quite the interesting and lively place. Leaps and bounds better than what existed before.

Love the glass, too. Was hoping for something eye catching here. Red certainly does the trick. A few fun colours never hurt anyone...and especially at a tourist destination after all. Should look really cool lit up at night and complimenting the blue and red of the Rogers Centre, too.
This is looking to be as cheesy as the Ripley name suggests. To be expected from a franchise aquarium whose 2 other locations are Gatlinburg TN and Myrtle Beach SC. Not exactly entering the realm of world acclaimed institutions with this.
In fact, I think a kid in downtown will have the luxury of being exposed to so much different, exciting things (and I don't meant it sarcastically, re: less savory elements) - art, music, culture, cuisines, etc. Open space is at a relative premium, of course, but there are no reasons why they can't have a jolly good time growing up.

Summer for a downtown kid can be downright spectacular with the HarbourFront camps + sailing/canoeing lessons from Cherry or the Island. Our girls LOVED the circus camp -- one of their all-time summer favourites growing up.
Pardon me for asking, but does anyone know if there are renderings of what the red and blue glass part will end up looking like? Thanks!
Well there is this posted back on page 86. Perhaps it should be added to the dataBase, despite it's lower quality.

This one?

