To me it looks like one of those clusters of lines spiralling and dancing around in 3D frozen in place. The display is part of it frozen in place, and glowing whatever it wants to. The logos look like they're floating in front of a glowing translucent background. I have a feeling they might also glow different colours.

Slightly dumbed down and executed cheaply, of course. But still...not bad.
There is, apparently, some hope that the City may repair the 'leaping salmon' fountain on Bremner at the main CN Tower entrance. I certainly hope they do as it looks terrible when not filled with water (and leaping salmon). Last summer it became a receptacle for garbage. Apparently, the fountain leaks into the Convention Centre but the piping is encased in concrete so hard to find or fix. If you want it fixed I would email Adam Vaughan at Voice of the People, and all that!
Thanks for the pics! The new signage on Front looks great.

Agreed, and my cellphone pic doesn't really do it justice. It looks even better in person. The display cycles through numerous animations, and wraps nicely around the frame.

The frame itself is quite bulky and overpowering from the south, when coming down the ramp, but from Front street, it reminds me of a baleen whale with it's mouth open (with a mouthful of crab in this case!) I'm not sure if that was intentional.
Plus, it's a sign for tourist attractions. Simple, elegant, and understated wouldn't make sense. This one is eye-catching. And I think that's the whole point.
What the heck are those balls ?
I took a walk around the CN Tower today and I'm very pleased with how it's coming out. The new entrance podium is proportionate to the tower. The previous dinky little entrance building next to the World's Tallest Building (well, was) didn't feel right. The large red base with oversized La Tour CN Tower fits perfectly. The new plaza at the base of the tower has amphitheatre style seating so it'll likely see street style performers and might even be a nice place for a summer night play.

The aquarium isn't far from finished despite the messy appearance. The interior is nearly done from what we've seen and the final cladding is already being applied. The finishing touches shouldn't take long.
Security is better now. There used to be a large gutter around the base of the tower were one could presumably leave a bomb (not that any type of bomb that could fit in a backpack would do anything other than chip off some concrete). The street furniture is all cleverly designed to remain useful and visually appealing but impossible to use as a hiding space for any dangerous device.

kristopher, you've always been able to touch the tower from the outside.
I was just sad when they installed that catwalk around the base of the tower some years ago.
My favourite thing to do at the CN Tower when I was a kid was to lie against the tower and look up at the unending wall of concrete that seemed to curve over me. Now you just get to look up at a catwalk.
