This is the kind of entrance building the tower itself always needed.
I wish the tower's base had been more comprehensively and grandly designed since that re-do in the '90's. It seems now like a bit of a lost opportunity.
A plaza where the aquarium is now would have been great, with everything else tucked between the skydome and tracks.
Or, given a configuration like what we've got, an entryway to both the aquarium and the tower through an Aquarium / Bremner Street Building would have been good.
I'd have also liked to see the base de-cluttered and the reflecting pool restored, but that looks rather the impossibility now. We've lost the little promenade of trees from Bremner that worked as an approach. I hope the new retail helps out in terms of accessibility, climate control and some kind of notable entry.
At least there is the nearby Roundhouse Park to get a clear, uninterrupted view of the tower from.