Going from 12 on Eglinton to 25 on St. Clair seems pretty reaosnable to me. That stretch of Eglinton is very low rise and narrow, while St. Clair is more open, a bit denser, has higher buildings and of course is closer to downtown. Even the current development occurring at St Clair and Bathurst I think is a bit on the high side...it runs the risk of creating an out-of-place wind-tunnel effect with a few big towers instantly dropping off to the very low single-family housing and other uses nearby. If the condo boom collapses you could end up with three towers on two corners, a 5 story medical building on another, and a gas station and school on the fourth. That's awkward. That being said, the main mitigating factor to that risk is that the intersection was so drab to begin with so it's not much of a loss if the rest of the avenue plan doesn't pan out. :) 30 floors out at Caledonia and Eglinton or some of those other places would be a bit of an island, particularly with no subway nearby.

I wonder how different Bathurst would have been had the subway run up there instead of Spadina

Eglinton and caledonia would be serviced by a underground lrt and a possible go stations. I don't think that's the middle of nowhere. Plus eglinton will be different with a underground lrt. If anything eglinton should be the street being intensified. But hey that's just my opinion. I think bathurst and avenue will be safe since its ultra rich but everything else is bound for major construction no matter what the politicians say.
The Toronto and East York Community Council web site has its agenda for Feb 14 meeting up. One of the items is a report on the Rise Condos and recommendation for a community meeting on the request for a zoning amendment. You can see it at http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgendaItemHistory.do?item=2012.TE13.53 which is the link on the Toronto City web site. Scroll down for a link to the longer report from the Community Planning dept of the city. The Reserve Properties proposal does include the church just south of the parking lot. They are asking for a six storey podium and 25 storeys overall.
They will invite all residents within 120 metres of the site. Is that customary? It doesn't seem to me to be a very large area.
Just had a peak at the planning application for Rise and noted two things:

1. The cute little walkup just north of the Wychwood Library Branch will be retained (good).


2. The trained monkeys at G+C couldn't even manage to keep the 'signature' chimney element at the corner of Bathurst and Spadina spandrel free (utterly pitiful).

That sexy strip of plastic can also be seen in this render (there's more on the Bathurst side):

The leftover tenants in the on-site building where the showroom is have been given a year's extension to their eviction.
Application: Partial Permit Status: Not Started

Location: 1451 BATHURST ST

Ward 21: St. Paul's

Application#: 13 173169 FND 00 PP Accepted Date: May 24, 2013

Project: Mixed Use/Res w Non Res Partial Permit - Foundation

Description: Part Permit - Proposal to construct a 23 sty condo with ground flor commercial, 283 residential units, and 4 levels of below grade parking. Also known as 501 St Clair Ave W.
This was just approved for 21s at the OMB. John Sewell came out to oppose but was thoroughly crushed when he and his planner, Janet Lee, proposed that: "...no building over 30m should be approved for this site."
yet another pile of garbage on a major corner. this will go well with that godawful thing on the NW side of this intersection.

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This was just approved for 21s at the OMB. John Sewell came out to oppose but was thoroughly crushed when he and his planner, Janet Lee, proposed that: "...no building over 30m should be approved for this site."

what the heck is john sewell's interest in opposing this project??
Sales office close Nov 1 with demo of the existing site. Hair cut place is gone by Nov 1 and the only retail still there now.

Occupancy is set for Oct 2015
Sales office close Nov 1 with demo of the existing site.....Occupancy is set for Oct 2015

That sounds like quite a tall order. If the sales office closes November 1st then we can assume it would be at least another 4-7 months (maybe even longer) until excavation is completed and a crane goes up. Then another 6 or so months to get up to ground level and another 10-14 months to build the tower and get the inside into habitable shape. October 2015 is the best possible scenario as a timeline, and it looks good on paper if they are still trying to sell a few units, but I really wish that they would set an approximate timeframe instead of these apparent randomly selected "if everything works flawlessly" dates. Just once I would like to see a developer say "as early as October 2015, but more likely Q1 2016". That would be refreshing and honest
It's so true. Absolutely...it's a sales strategy. I have been adding anywhere from one to two years to the developer's dates for my own projects. The key is to wait until the concrete structure begins to rise above ground level to even estimate completion. If it's just at the stage of initial sales in an existing old building on-site, and they haven't even started demolition let alone construction, then it really is impossible to determine the dates with so many factors and variables at play here.
