This will be a gorgeous building once completed, with an innovative design for Toronto. Unfortunately, the west ground-level face presents a large slab of blank concrete, and the north side of the building has several stories of blank wall. The latter is somewhat understandable being next to the ramp, but the west face is disappointing. I hope it will at least be landscaped interestingly, or perhaps the wall could be covered in some sort of vines.
It is rather disappointing that phase 4 is the last. I am curious if urban capital will use S+P for M city. Mind you I'd rather see more of their work HERE than in mississauga.
It is rather disappointing that phase 4 is the last. I am curious if urban capital will use S+P for M city. Mind you I'd rather see more of their work HERE than in mississauga.
Just to make it clearer for everyone, Urban Capital aren't actually the leads at M City, it's Rogers Real Estate Development which are leading that project, with Urban Capital acting as consultants as Rogers learns the development business. That said, there's nothing to stop Rogers from going with S+P on one or more M City towers; I'm under the impression that they do want variety on the site, and S+P would definitely bring it. (That Core building is a pretty good start!)

The drive here is starting to get quite interesting.

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Can anyone please share their thoughts or definitive ideas on the view of the city skyline from RC3 - IN PARTICULAR the view from where that person in the post/pic above is standing? Specifically that person standing on the balcony of what appears to be the 7th floor, north easterly unit of RC3.

Or generally what views from the unit, inside and out on the balcony.
I have had a hard time confirming, especially with RC4's positioning and structure potentially in the way.
Can anyone please share their thoughts or definitive ideas on the view of the city skyline from RC3 - IN PARTICULAR the view from where that person in the post/pic above is standing? Specifically that person standing on the balcony of what appears to be the 7th floor, north easterly unit of RC3.

Or generally what views from the unit, inside and out on the balcony.
I have had a hard time confirming, especially with RC4's positioning and structure potentially in the way.

I've given a LOT of thought to this, as I will be moving into the unit immediately below on the 6th floor with a large terrace. I think I'm correct.

The short answer is that the view should be of most of downtown and all of mid and uptown. If you drew a line straight along Eastern Avenue, this would be the southern limit of your view to the west. You can see the CN tower, but not the lake and not most of southcore. Your views directly south are blocked by Canary District. I have looked carefully at the site plan drawings for RC4, which will be twelve stories. The way it is situated on the site (slightly away from the onramp with servicing on the north side), it should not affect RC3 units on the very northwest corner from seeing straight down Eastern Avenue. It will, however, block all views for RC3 units not on the NW corner and lower than the 12th floor. Finally, there is a risk of tall buildings going in around Corktown that could block views in the future, though the secondary plan calls for smaller buildings. I have not been able to completely figure out shadowing effects from RC4 on my unit.
