Lots of work going on here but things don't seem to change very much. That should be changing very soon.

From today...




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Is the construction in the photos for the entire West Don Lands area for the Pan Am Games? Or is it for River City?
Is the construction in the photos for the entire West Don Lands area for the Pan Am Games? Or is it for River City?

Actually, River City Phase 3/4 and River Square are in the forefront and West Don Lands is in the back...phase 1 and 2 are on the northside but I couldn't get over to check it out without being run over...the first two pictures were taken from Eastern Avenue...
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Your last pic is actually the TCHC building site in the foreground. This one is zipping right along -- anyone know if their soil scrubber/tester thingy is working?
Nice though these pics are they are NOT of the River City lands which are NORTH of the overpass and new pedestrian bridge - up to King Street and east of the TCHC site, on which work is already underway..
^ That's already been mentioned a few posts back. We include these photos because they're part of West Don Lands in general. The River City site looks the same now as it did a month ago in post #218. It's probably a good idea to split the West Don Lands thread to address the different phases.
^ That's already been mentioned a few posts back. We include these photos because they're part of West Don Lands in general. The River City site looks the same now as it did a month ago in post #218. It's probably a good idea to split the West Don Lands thread to address the different phases.

There already are seveal threads on the West Don Lands including one specifically on the park, which these photographs (mainly) show. I agree that it would be better if threads could somehow be brought together as "groups" and/or if the thread titles all followed a standard format so a search would bring all of them up (the inability to search three-letter words is a problem with "Don").
I found these three in addition to this River City one, there may be more (one on the TCHC development?):



I still cannot find a TCHC thread BUT the City is certainly moving slowly to issue a Foundation Permit:

Application: Partial Permit Status: Not Started

Location: 589 KING ST E

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 09 189175 FND 00 PP Accepted Date: Jul 23, 2010

Project: Multiple Use/Non Residential Partial Permit - Foundation

Description: Part Permit - Proposal to construct 3 residential buildings (with commercial at grade) - 1-8 sty building & 2-4 sty buildings with common underground parking (57 spaces). Total # of residential units = 243.(West Donlands)
