Was it this new paving treatment that was put in over the winter? Or is this already old?

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The scattered stone pattern is indeed new. The lined up paving stones is the old. It looks like they're doing this in phases around the stadium.
My recollection is that there is about 8 to 12 feet between the outfield walls and front of the outfield seating decks (the distance narrows towards CF). Any movement of the walls would need to dig up the concrete to put new footings for the wall foundations.

1: The walls could be pushed back to line up with the outfield seating. This would require relocating the bullpens (As mentioned CF?)
2: Wall heights could be altered. Although Rogers Centre already has one of the taller outfield walls in the league. Push walls back, lower their height? Gives more opportunity for Pillar type over the wall catches.
3: How about an all dirt warning track instead of the current coloured turf and different fill
4: No to a monument park. I think they already have too many ways to honour past players (level of excellence, retired #)
5: Outfield 500 level is definitely a candidate for a WestJet Flight Deck type treatment
6: Partner with the Rail deck park and create a Maple Leaf Square type area in the North area of the Dome. Repurpose the old Sightlines and Hard Rock Cafe restaurants for ticketing as the ticket offices along Bremner clog the sidewalk/street on game days. Possibly make this the new "Grand Entrance" to the stadium so that the field opens up to you as you enter (as per the quoted Mosaic field)
7: Create a "Chairman's club" ala the ACC for in the action seats ticket holders
1: The walls could be pushed back to line up with the outfield seating. This would require relocating the bullpens (As mentioned CF?)
2: Wall heights could be altered. Although Rogers Centre already has one of the taller outfield walls in the league. Push walls back, lower their height? Gives more opportunity for Pillar type over the wall catches.
Pushing back the outfield walls would increase the field size. Centrefield is already at waht is pretty much standard around the league with a few exceptions for some of the older parks like Fenway. Most Major league and even Minor League parks ar 400 feet to centre field. Tiger stadium used to be 440 but it was shared with the Detroit Lions when it was first built, When they moved to Comerica park centerfield was at one pint 404 feet but they moved the wall to 400 feet, the flagpole in center field there was the one from tiger stadium and used to sit in the wrong tack in centre field and had aline painted on if balls hit over it it was a home run.
8. Get rid of the rid of the Ted Rogers statue. I get that the team and stadium are owned by Rogers but what has Ted Rogers contributed to the Jays or MLB? It's kind of insulting to baseball. His statue belongs outside Rogers HQ.
8. Get rid of the rid of the Ted Rogers statue. I get that the team and stadium are owned by Rogers but what has Ted Rogers contributed to the Jays or MLB? It's kind of insulting to baseball. His statue belongs outside Rogers HQ.
I'd like to see an army of Jays fans with ropes take it down like the Statue of Saddam Hussein was in Iraq. They apparently put it there because he's the rogers that the company is named for and the curet hea is his son, it relly should be at their company headquarters and we should have saturees of Blue Jay greats like Roberto Alomar, Joe Carter and Dave Stieb and probably Tom Check too.
4: No to a monument park. I think they already havetoomany ways tohonour past players (level of excellence, retired #

You got to be kidding the level of excellence is cheap looking pile of crap, and that's how you want to honor past players, like said before the level of excellence consist of lots of glue, a blue background, name of player and screws
8. Get rid of the rid of the Ted Rogers statue. I get that the team and stadium are owned by Rogers but what has Ted Rogers contributed to the Jays or MLB? It's kind of insulting to baseball. His statue belongs outside Rogers HQ.
Well, there are many who believe that if Rogers had not bought the Blue Jays in 2000 and then the SkyDome in 2004....Bud Selig's contraction idea would have been far more deliverable.......for it to work MLB wanted to contract by two teams....the Expos were easily identifiable as team #1 ....but the list of candidates for team #2 were all reluctant candidates (including the Jays).....had Rogers not bought the team they would have had much weaker ownership and would have been far more willing to listen to MLB's contraction overtures/offers.....in the end MLB did buy the Expos but just relocated them to Washington and left the other teams as is......

....so, the theory goes, Rogers saved not only the Jays....but in a weird way delivered baseball back to America's capital.
Well, there are many who believe that if Rogers had not bought the Blue Jays in 2000 and then the SkyDome in 2004....Bud Selig's contraction idea would have been far more deliverable.......for it to work MLB wanted to contract by two teams....the Expos were easily identifiable as team #1 ....but the list of candidates for team #2 were all reluctant candidates (including the Jays).....had Rogers not bought the team they would have had much weaker ownership and would have been far more willing to listen to MLB's contraction overtures/offers.....in the end MLB did buy the Expos but just relocated them to Washington and left the other teams as is......

....so, the theory goes, Rogers saved not only the Jays....but in a weird way delivered baseball back to America's capital.

This is a massive stretch
.in the end MLB did buy the Expos but just relocated them to Washington and left the other teams as is......
It's not relly as simple as that there were some back room dealings involving the owner of the another team buying part of the Expos and then swapping the ownership around. In an odd move the Quebec Pension Plan ended up owning the Florida Marlins. There was a court case around it but it was dropped once the team moved to Washington. Alos the players association was heavily against contraction and that's one of the big reasons for the 2004 baseball strike.
It's not relly as simple as that there were some back room dealings involving the owner of the another team buying part of the Expos and then swapping the ownership around. In an odd move the Quebec Pension Plan ended up owning the Florida Marlins.
Don't remember the "Quebec Pension Plan" owning the Marlins....I remember that when Loria bought into the Expos he had a minority stake but was the general partner in a limited partnership between himself, the city of Montreal, some smaller local businesses and the Bronfmans......a series of cash calls (some say were orchestrated for the inevitable result) were not answered by the other limited partners so each time he put money in he was increasing his ownership percent which, by the end, had climbed to the mid-90% range.

Another team buying part of the expos? Well the resolution was a sale to a new partnership that was owned equally by all 29 of the other teams....so I guess yes that happened. The cute part was that he took his money and a very attractive loan from John Henry (then owner of the Marlins) to buy the Marlins....Henry then bought the Red Sox.

I think his purchase of the Marlins was for about $150MM.....nice business considering he is selling to Jeb Bush and Derek Jeter for about $1.3B

There was a court case around it but it was dropped once the team moved to Washington.

His partners in the Expos filed RICO charges....the case was not dropped....it went to arbitration and Loria won.

Alos the players association was heavily against contraction and that's one of the big reasons for the 2004 baseball strike.

Of course the players opposed contraction.....a lot of jobs were going to be lost.

It is a nice discussion but wandering far from Rogers Centre Renos.
not according to the people who believe the theory :)

I just think they own the team....they own the stadium...they can put up whatever statue they want there.
Who would those people be?

I followed the team religiously back then and this is the first place I've ever seen this 'theory'.

Besides I don't know a single Jays fan that doesn't think the statue is stupid.
Who would those people be?

I followed the team religiously back then and this is the first place I've ever seen this 'theory'.

Besides I don't know a single Jays fan that doesn't think the statue is stupid.
You don't remember the Jays being one of the clubs on the list of potential contraction teams? That as those discussions evolved a growing push from American based teams to have both contraction teams be non-American? I am a casual baseball fan (but, to be fair, a bit of a "business of sport" junkie) and I remember those reports very clearly.

The theory that uncle Ted saved them is something I heard/read a lot when the statue was going up (could have been a retroactive rationalization....who knows).
The 2 teams that were rumoured to be contracted were Montreal and Minnesota.

Plus the better theory is that the entire contraction proposal was a CBA negotiation ploy.

I never really considered Rogers as 'saving' the Jays. I never thought it was ever that dire. Sounds like revisionist history from Rogers owned media.
