Did someone dare mention the French Quarter? If these are the same group it certainly wouldn't surprise me if apses with plaster apostolic figures adorned the courtyards. I do like the scale of the project and hopefully it will be more tastefully done with superior building materials.
I can't believe these guys did French Quarter.

I can't think of a condo I've loathed as much as FQ and I can't think of a condo design I've loved as much as the Roncesvalles Lofts.

I was thinking the other day about how cool Toronto would look if it was just miles and miles of three storey, neo-modernist lowrise apartment courtyards that met the street. If, say, this kind of building were our new urban vernacular and Toronto looked like a cross between Tokyo and ancient Pompeii.
I can't believe these guys did French Quarter.

I can't think of a condo I've loathed as much as FQ and I can't think of a condo design I've loved as much as the Roncesvalles Lofts.

I was thinking the other day about how cool Toronto would look if it was just miles and miles of three storey, neo-modernist lowrise apartment courtyards that met the street. If, say, this kind of building were our new urban vernacular and Toronto looked like a cross between Tokyo and ancient Pompeii.

Sounds like a nice fantasy! Very 21st Century. But I'm sure condos will stay hot even when they're designs are not.
Directly behind High Park Lofts, next to the Esso station. (A very ugly street)


Maybe this belongs in the condo-name thread, but "Paris on Ritchie" might turn a few heads a little...
It's funny, even though this condo is in my local stomping grounds, I always think: it's such a grim street, why bother taking photos until it's nearing completion? B cafe is okay, and the falafel place across the street is good. Dundas here has tons of potential for art galleries and hip little cafes.
Taken yesterday.

They have are working on the first floor. It might not be pretty, being grey, but it is better then the surrounding automotive service stations.

I thought this project was supposed to be done by end of year?? I dont see that happening now.

I love the rendering on this one and am very anxious to see how it turns out.
I thought this project was supposed to be done by end of year?? I dont see that happening now.

I think things may have been delayed by construction on Ritchie - the road has been closed and/or restricted access for a good few weeks now, preventing contruction vehicles making their deliveries.
21 November 2008 photo update

I walked by this site on my way to Ali Baba's for a good falafel today, so I took some photos of the site. Still working away, must be a freaking cold gig, eh? Slowest job site in Toronto, perhaps?



The only change here is the addition of a day or two of steel installation in the last few months. This is definitely the slowest in progression of a non-canceled project in the city. Hopefully they will get their act together and finish it.
