I was up there yesterday and had trouble pulling myself away. It is truly amazing to see in real life. I am really pleased at this point.
Heaven or Hell: Images of Chinese Buddhist and Daoist Deities and Immortals opens tomorrow in the Herman Herzog Levy Gallery. It is drawn from the ROM's collection and including items never previously displayed.

The mean looking King of Hell ( or, to give him his official title, Yanluowang, President, 5th Court of Hades ) in the Chinese Sculpture Gallery is one of my favourites. We go way back.
My apologies if this was discussed earlier in the thread, but how is the Italian exhibit that they currently are showing? Is there a large collection on display? Is it a variety of objects?
I am planning on attending this weekend?
A smaller exhibition than when it was in Montreal, due to space constraints in the upstairs gallery they were obliged to relocate to. But a wonderful variety of furniture, painting, sculpture, clothing, textiles, photography, vehicles, pottery and other decorative arts. There is a gorgeous painting based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice for instance. And architectural drawings showing how Mussolini's fascist government of the 1930's encouraged Modernist architecture for political purposes. It is particularly strong on post-WW2 design and how Italy used good design to rebrand itself as a culture of excellence and innovation - as the Danes did. The catalogue is excellent too.
"There is a gorgeous painting based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice for instance."

Who was the artist?

Link to article

ROM's Thorsell wins board of directors' trust
Contracted extended until 2010 even though expansion is six months behind schedule and short by about $37-million


From Wednesday's Globe and Mail

It is an unusual director who can survive a massive architectural expansion, especially one that is behind schedule and tens of millions of dollars short of its financial goals. (The troubled mid-nineties expansion of Chicago's DuSable Museum created a revolving door of four directors in six years!) But in a stunning vote of confidence, the Royal Ontario Museum's board has extended the contract of its director and chief executive officer, William Thorsell, until 2010, even though the Renaissance ROM expansion is about six months behind schedule and short by about $37-million.

“I said to them that I intend to see this project through to completion, and that means I want all the funds raised and more,†said Thorsell, 62, reached Tuesday at his ROM office. “This project is a big machine that needs to be driven.â€

He said he was also looking forward to “restoring the intellectual capital of the museum,†and to being involved in such future original exhibitions as a major 2008 project (with the National Museum of Ukraine) to showcase the Trypillian civilization of 5000 to 3000 BC as well as a 2010, ROM-organized exhibition of birds that would exploit the treasures of his institution's botanical and decorative arts collections.

Thorsell, a former editor of The Globe and Mail, joined the ROM in August, 2000. His original contract was for seven years; it would have expired just after the June, 2007, gala opening of the Michael Lee-Chin Crystal.

But the complex demands of the Crystal's construction and the design and installation of the building's innovative double-layered cladding system has held up the project.

After tempestuous board meetings, it was determined that the June, 2007, launch could only be an “architectural opening†— the public could see the new galleries empty of contents, with exhibits to be installed over the following months.

Financing the ROM's $250-million expansion project has also remained a challenge, despite Thorsell's tireless campaigning for new donors. The federal government has still not come through with the $12-million to match the latest province of Ontario donation. Last year, a proposed 46-storey condominium tower that would have risen above the ROM's southern end was defeated in part by angry neighbourhood residents. Sales of these luxury condos (as much as $12-million for the penthouse) would have pumped about $20-million into the ROM. Thorsell always said the condo's defeat was a temporary setback. Yesterday, he confirmed that Graywood Development, Inc., has until the end of December, 2006, to decide whether to come back to the table with another version of the project. “Making something work there and gaining the additional financing through the development of that site†remains a personal goal, he said.

Confirming Thorsell's three-year contract extension, David Palmer, president of the ROM board, said, “Absolutely it is a vote of confidence. The board has been absolutely electrified by William's vision. Over the last six years, what we have seen is a person with extraordinary will and an ability to communicate with passon.â€
"Graywood Development, Inc., has until the end of December, 2006, to decide whether to come back to the table with another version of the project."

If so - it will be interesting what they propose.
Perhaps a building to temporarily house the Faculty of Music and the Faculty of Law until they can be relocated elsewhere? Then the ROM can move their curatorial, administrative, library and storage facilities into that structure - and demolish the Laskin library and Edward Johnson building for future redevelopment of the southern end of the site?
Just a note, but the faculty of law isn't going anywhere. There was originally talk of relocating to a completely new building, but people overwhelming voted that option down in favour of sprucing up the current digs. Can't speak for the FoM, though.
But the Graywood site would provide convenient expansion space for the Faculty of Law.
Whatever happens to the Faculty of Law, the old Flavelle House ain't gonna budge, no way, no it won't, I'll betcha.
Indeed. That's why I exempted it from my Teperman-esque musings.
As I reported last month, the March 3rd Toronto Symphony Orchestra concert in the Crystal won't now happen. It has just been cancelled - due to "unforseen construction challenges".
is that some new type of lattice work showing on the webcam?

