I love the Avenue Road side and I'm ambivalent about the planters around the entrance. (It's really that hard to find the door? Really?) The trees on Bloor would comprehensively mask the Crystal, though. For those of us (maybe I'm a group of one...) who really like the dramatic look of the Crystal, covering it up would be a real shame.

Add me. Group of two.

Looking at it again and I too don't agree with having all those trees on Bloor. So many people take pictures of themselves in front of the ROM. It's iconic and visitors like that. Having trees there would diminish the effect greatly.
I also dislike the idea of trees in front of the crystal. Why hide something you spent so much money on and that looks so good on its own?


The trees along Bloor should not start until west of the main entrance. I would take the first two sets out, and I would understand if others argued for more than that.

The older wing along University is hidden though. Not sure I understand why this would be desired.
I would say start them west of the gift shop entrance.

I think it looks fine as proposed - you can't possibly miss the crystal even when the trees are fully grown. I hope they do pay special attention to paving and other details (set in lighting, etc) and not cheap out on them - it makes all the difference (e.g. Sugar Beach).

I think it's far more interesting having the crystal rise above the trees rather than terminating in flat concrete. I can think of some cool photos already.
Hopefully these trees won't end up looking like the half dead scraggly looking trees along Bloor.
I think it's far more interesting having the crystal rise above the trees rather than terminating in flat concrete. I can think of some cool photos already.

Agreed! I've always thought that there was way too much concrete here. I love the Crystal. I love trees. No reason why they can't live together in harmony. Most well thought-out landscaping adds to architecture not distracts from it. If for some reason these trees grew to be massive, all it takes is some careful pruning. It really does need some greening here.

The adult in me will love the dinosaur skeleton :p
in general Toronto needs more greening everywhere.

There are some areas that can use more trees - others aching for trees, but know that Toronto is an extremely green city with over 10 million trees covering 30% of the city. Not bad. There was supposed to be a report to Council last fall on the damage to the tree canopy in the city from the ice storm, but I never saw or heard about it.
