Not to worry. I'll speak to someone right away and see if they can flood the Buddhist temple murals with blazing searchlights so you can see every little detail.
To keep things in perspective, the piece "Joie" at the Top of the Rock has 40,000 pieces of crystal.
Is that what I took a picture of here?

There was activity going on today (a Sunday!). I wanted to see it in person. I agree, it does look better in person, but the slight differences in the panels do stand out. I'm still not sure if I like it, but I probably will.






Those are the best ROM photos I've seen so far. I'm sure the final product will look great, even if it's not exactly what we were hoping for. The effect of the different panels actually looks cool when viewed at an angle as in the ROM3.jpg pic.
I love this building so much...! The surfeit of emotion feels almost embarrassing.l
I've taken to conspicuously loitering (an activity better suited to Philosopher's Walk) along the front of it, soaking up its powerful oversized tectonic-abstractionist vibes.
Mind you, even if the little restaurant overhang does fondly remind me of Pyramid Place, and sometimes in brief flashes I think the whole ensemble looks a bit like Darth Vader's school portable...who's counting?
It's great to have the hots for a building again.

I'm amazed. The finished product looks like it's an improved computer render of the finished product. It's uncanny.
It may have not been such a bad idea, to have utilized the cladding discolouration to create deliberate patterns- adding a subtle addition to the buildings skin. I am sure they knew that this would be the case, especially when having to create thousands of elements for the facade.

CN , I am so with you on this thing. I often have to pull myself away from it. I am really looking forward to how this will look at night with the music building well lit, gardiner etc.

This should really add to our city in a great way!
Although I've been a big fan of this project since its inception, I'm beginning to have my doubts.

I visited it in person today and felt that it could do better. It works well from a distance (across the street suffices) but up close, it does resemble a bit of a shack.

The cladding could have worked well as opaque glass with subtle patterns (i.e. Pharmacy building). Just like the metal cladding, this glass wouldn't be functional, it would merely be cosmetic. I think metal is in fashion these days with the Bilbao Effect and all, so it was the choice of the day. I'm not sure it will age well.

Even if they had to maintain the metallic cladding, an earlier rendering showed it better as an argyle pattern built with irregular shaped diamonds. The straight slats currently being used are at odds with the geometry of a building that has virtually no 90º angles.

To further add doubts to my view of the Crystal, it seems that other costs saving and/or time pressured measures are being noticed: the plaza in front of the ROM is being poured as simple concrete... no interlocking stones, no stone, no nothing. In fact, what ever happened to the angular lines stripping across the sidewalks on Bloor and Queen's Park as per the VR video on the ROM site?

I guess they figured that they couldn't do such an elaborate sidewalk/plaza so they opted for the quicky concrete.
Those are the best ROM photos I've seen so far. I'm sure the final product will look great, even if it's not exactly what we were hoping for. The effect of the different panels actually looks cool when viewed at an angle as in the ROM3.jpg pic.

^ Agree. It's starting to win me over again, which is a huge relief and delight. Great pics - thanks.

(That said, fiendish's rant is still the best thing ever said about this thing.)

Mind you, even if the little restaurant overhang does fondly remind me of Pyramid Place, and sometimes in brief flashes I think the whole ensemble looks a bit like Darth Vader's school portable...who's counting?

^ LOL.

I am in Prague now where Swaroskvy has a very strong presence. Normally I shy away from Baroque opulence, even when reinterpreted with modern design, but I have to admit their modern pieces in prominent buildings are stunning.

To further add doubts to my view of the Crystal, it seems that other costs saving and/or time pressured measures are being noticed: the plaza in front of the ROM is being poured as simple concrete... no interlocking stones, no stone, no nothing. In fact, what ever happened to the angular lines stripping across the sidewalks on Bloor and Queen's Park as per the VR video on the ROM site?

Are you sure that's all said and done though? The concrete could very well just be the base for the plaza paving.

I love this building so much...! The surfeit .

I’ve been spying daily on this building via web cam and lurking around it for years. If the ROM were a person I'd be up on stalking charges! Never mind, the prison term would be worth it: the Crystal is great!
Anyone know where to find any links to images or details of the other finalists for the ROM expansion project prior the the Crystal being selected as the winner?
