Re: RBC Foundation Glass Room

^ Yeah. I went to a TSA screening there once. It was nice but underwhelming. It has neat proportions, and you sense they could do something neat with the space if they put their minds to it.
Re: RBC Foundation Glass Room

Is it being included as part of the restoration plan?
Re: RBC Foundation Glass Room

No idea. It seems in reasonable shape as it is. I can't imagine what else they could do to it.
Re: RBC Foundation Glass Room


Varsity Stadium


The entire block is booming with construction, soon you can add One Bedford to the mix

Re: RBC Foundation Glass Room

Good to see the glass going up.
Re: RBC Foundation Glass Room

I wonder how many passes-by think this first skin is the final cladding. It's looking spaceshipish.
I can't wait for the metallic to begin being put on. Weren't they supposed to start applying it before the winter?
Re: RBC Foundation Glass Room

I can't wait for the metallic to begin being put on. Weren't they supposed to start applying it before the winter?

They've still got a few months.
Then I'll assume the weather has no bearing on the installation of the metal..."winter" can mean Dec. 21 or the arrival of snow and cold, you know.
Then I'll assume the weather has no bearing on the installation of the metal..."winter" can mean Dec. 21 or the arrival of snow and cold, you know.

I see what you're saying but I don't think that's the case. By doing so, they risk making it seem like they're up to 2 months off schedule, as is the case now since it's already snowed and it's colder than it's been the past few seasons.

It's like saying they'll start installing the cladding by summer and then having people accuse them of being late when they haven't started by the end of April.
Isn't the crystal opening in the Spring?

They better get their winter mitts on and kick this thing into overdrive. I'm fairly sure that they haven't begun installing drywall inside the crystal yet because the interior is still not isolated from the elements..

So with that in mind, they still need to finish applying the first skin, the glass and then the metal... and only then can they get on to interior work.

Hopefully they can finish the exterior quickly so they can spend the entire winter working on the inside.
"By doing so, they risk making it seem like they're up to 2 months off schedule"

They didn't say "before the winter", MetroMan did. At least I doubt they would have said it: if they plan on opening it in April, surely they would narrow down the expected start time of cladding installation to something less ambiguous than a season...
They didn't say "before the winter", MetroMan did. At least I doubt they would have said it: if they plan on opening it in April, surely they would narrow down the expected start time of cladding installation to something less ambiguous than a season...

It's only ambiguous if you choose to see it that way. Winter officially starts on December 21st and the weather really isn't that bad until then from January to the end of March.
