ROM finds rare, massive dinosaur in own building
November 13, 2007
TORONTO – A Canadian museum that went hunting for a dinosaur skeleton, discovered it already had the massive creature buried in its own collection.
The 24-metre (80-foot) long Barosaurus had been obtained by Toronto's Royal Ontario Museum in 1962 and forgotten about over the years, the museum said Tuesday.
An employee searching for a dinosaur skeleton in the United States read an old article that said the museum already had exactly what he was looking for.
Because the ROM did not have the space to display the assembled creature when the skeleton was obtained, the bones were divided among collections, but without a note saying they belonged to a single animal.
"When all the parts were pulled together we realized just how much of the animal the ROM actually had, the better part of a skeleton of a rare, giant dinosaur," associate curator David Evans said in a statement.
The museum, which recently expanded and now has the space, plans to put the huge skeleton on display in December.
Link to article and video

Any guesses where they'll display this beast?
From ROM News:

News Releases

Massive Barosaurus skeleton discovered at the ROM

New ROM Curator reveals the rare skeleton of “Gordoâ€, the largest dinosaur ever to be displayed in Canada

The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) held a news conference today to announce the unusual discovery of a massive Barosaurus skeleton in the Museum’s own collections. The skeleton will form the centerpiece of the ROM’s new James and Louise Temerty Galleries of the Age of Dinosaurs, opening the weekend of December 15 and 16, 2007 on Level 2 of the Michael Lee-Chin Crystal. When completed and installed, the Barosaurus will be the largest dinosaur on permanent display in Canada.

The Barosaurus will stretch along the north wall of the east Crystal in the Temerty Galleries, where it will be visible from Bloor Street through the angular windows. When installed, the ROM’s Barosaurus will be the only sauropod skeleton consisting largely of real fossil bone mounted in Canada, as well as the largest dinosaur skeleton on display in the country. It will also be the only 'real' Barosaurus mounted in a life pose in the world. (The American Museum of Natural History has a cast skeleton mounted, and a vertebral column in a glass floor.)

"This is a fascinating and somewhat humorous story, and one the Museum is extremely pleased to tell,†said the ROM’s Director and CEO William Thorsell.

Dr. David Evans, new Associate Curator of Vertebrate Palaeontology in the ROM’s Department of Natural History, found the ultimate “skeleton in the closet.†Arriving in May 2007 to head up the ROM’s dinosaur research program, one of his first jobs was to find a sauropod dinosaur for display in the new Age of Dinosaurs gallery. The ROM’s new gallery already included excellent specimens of three of the four most recognizable dinosaur types – T.Rex, Triceratops, and Stegasaurus – but none of the largest dinosaurs, the sauropods.

After spending months investigating options, including purchasing a cast or even digging one up, Evans found what he was looking for in an unexpected place. While on a related trip to Wyoming, he was reading an article by famed sauropod expert Jack McIntosh when something caught his eye -- a reference to a Barosaurus skeleton at the ROM. The ROM’s databases turned up a blank, but after connecting the disparate dinosaur dots Evans was able to show that what were thought to be isolated bones scattered throughout the collections room actually belonged to a single dinosaur.

"It was an exciting day,†says Evans. “We were searching for an iconic sauropod skeleton, and we had one under our noses the whole time. When all the parts were pulled together, we realized just how much of the animal the ROM actually had -- the better part of a skeleton of a rare, giant, dinosaur.â€

The Barosaurus skeleton includes four massive neck vertebrae, a complete set of vertebrae from the back, the pelvis, 14 tail vertebrae, both upper arm bones, both thigh bones (each of which is over 140 cm (55 inches) in length), a lower leg, and various other pieces. The entire assembled skeleton is estimated to be 24 metres (80 feet) in length, perhaps stretching to as much as 27 metres (90 feet) once fully mounted, and when alive the animal would have weighed as much as 15,000 kilograms (15 tonnes).

This is the type of dinosaur that comes to mind when people think about dinosaurs. Its huge size and instantly recognizable long neck and long tail will capture people’s imagination,†says Evans, “It will be a spectacular addition to the Age of Dinosaurs gallery.â€

Barosaurus is part of a group called sauropods, which includes the largest animals ever to walk on land. The group includes the well-known dinosaurs Apatosaurus (formerly known as Brontosaurus), Brachiosaurus and Diplodocus. The largest sauropods reached 30 metres (98 feet) in length and weighed over 50,000 kilograms (50 tonnes). Barosaurus lived in North America during the Late Jurassic period, about 150 million years ago. It is distinguished from other sauropods by its very long neck.

The skeleton is from the Morrison Formation, and was collected by the Carnegie Museum from what is now Dinosaur National Monument, Utah, in the early part of the 20th century. The skeleton was acquired by the ROM in 1962 through a trade organized by former ROM Curator Dr. Gordon Edmund with the intention of installing it in the 1970 dinosaur gallery renovation. The Museum traded, among other things, two duck-billed dinosaur skeletons for what was then thought to be a Diplodocus, an identification that was later corrected by sauropod expert Jack McIntosh. Due to a lack of space the Barosaurus did not make it into the 1970 gallery. After Dr. Edmund retired in 1990 its story was forgotten, and all its pieces were separated on different shelves and in different drawers in the ROM’s collection room through various moves of the collections made by the construction of the Louise Hawley Stone Curatorial Centre in the early 1980s.

By mounting this massive sauropod, the ROM brings Dr. Edmund’s 40 year-old dream to reality, but unfortunately only after his passing. To recognize his vision, the Museum has affectionately nicknamed the specimen "Gordo" in his honour. Gordo also means “fat†in Spanish, a fitting name for an animal of such substantial size.

And here is a preview of the new galleries:

Libeskind had initially wanted to be a concert pianist

Imagine how different the world would be today if he pursued that career path.

I imagine what else Libeskind could produce for the ROM, after the Spirit House Chair, this piano, and the chandelier. Perhaps Libeskind could take on a bigger scope and design other objects around Toronto. The TTC's idea to get him to design subway entrances is a nice beginning. Next he can tackle street furniture, light poles, maybe even TTC vehicles.
How enormous must the storage facilities at the ROM be? This is a barosaurus in all its (skeletal) Jurassic glory. It should look incredible in the museum:

The Barosaurus would make an awesome centerpiece in the Crystal Court. It would be visible from the Dinosaur gallery's balcony. Imagine being able to see the "face" up close from the gallery above and getting a closer view from the court.

I guess if they can fit it into the actual gallery, that's good, but I feel that the Crystal Court is lacking an iconic piece and this could be it.

Actually I think the ROM could suspend the whale skeletons they have in the Crystal Court - they wouldn't have to use up valuable ground floor real estate and it'd still be rather spectacular.

How enormous must the storage facilities at the ROM be?

Well, apparently their barosaurus was in boxes labeled 'some assembly required'.

I am waiting to see how the specially designed cladding handles snow.

Libeskind is going to unveil a specially-designed snow shovel...:D
