Thanks Ramako, that's a relief. I agree with you MikeOlivo-Moore. Dundas square, which I find is deadly dull gray, could have been more interesting with a building like RSLC on the north side instead of the gray lump that sits there now. Actually, the early renderings of Dundas Square indicated a surface made up of contrasting strips of dark and light gray granite instead of the monotonous gray slab that we ended up with. But I digress. I love the look of the RSLC.
retail + wall + entrance ramp/steps.

let me know if you can't see image



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Sorry for the night shot, but test cladding is up at Church just south of Gerrard. Hopefully I can swing by during the day...

That is some very interesting cladding. I like the digital-noise like pattern quite a bit. Thanks androiduk!
Thanks for the photos AndroidUK, my night time photo really didn't do it justice.
and people are worried that Yonge st is becoming too tall :rolleyes:
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...and worried about losing that line of crap. I hope that whole street (with a few exceptions) is redeveloped, it looks horrible right now. This isn't just coming from me either, I've had friends visiting the city complain about it. Can you blame them? That whole row of 1/2s seedy retail belongs on Danforth or something, not the heart of downtown.

That cladding looks nice!
Great image quality. Did you end up getting that 6D already? (and thanks for the update of course)
