There are already numerous other Starbucks in the immediate vicinity.
Ryerson / Dundas Square was severely under served by coffee places up until a couple of weeks ago though. There was essentially just that Tims in the back of 10 Dundas and the Starbucks inside of it. Now theres the McDs, Starbucks at Yonge & Gerrard, and another Tims in the basement level of 10 Dundas.
Not quite - there are 2 Tim's and one quasi-Starbucks immediately around the area on campus and one at Ted Rogers School. There is also another Tims's, one Timothy's and McD at AoB. The issue is that none except the Timothy's have much street exposure.

The real issue was 24/7 coffee shops. We didn't have anywhere on Ryerson campus to get coffee after 11pm until McDonalds opened on Yonge.
And a Balzac's around the corner, and the Black Canary, and the Panera has decent coffee, and there's the 7-11 with coffee, and...

I can't believe anyone would complain about the availability of coffee at Yonge and Dundas.
The Yonge/Dundas area does need more 24 hour places. I have been in that area many times after midnight and I couldn't find a coffee shop or even a decent place to eat. (and I don't mean McDonalds or Burger King) I wonder why the Tim Horton's right on Yonge, south of Dundas, isn't 24 hours. I have to walk all the way up to Bloor, for my late night Ice Cap fix and that sucks! I can't wait for Dundas Square to become a late night district.

Toronto really isn't that 24/7 in any case, and I can't really think of all that many reason why Y+D would become a 24/7 locale, given the lack of clubs and late night entertainment venues (other than caff. starved students). Plus operating 24/7 will inevitably draw riff-raff (e.g. the McD north of College on Yonge is remarkably dicey even in the morning).

This is getting massively OT - I think the whole 24/7 aspect of the city deserves a discussion thread of its' own (it's interesting).

The atrium food court is facing bay though. I forgot Balzacs though I will admit. The
Mini tims in the bridge between the library and Kerr hall doesn't count IMO. Never been in Ted Rogers.
And a Balzac's around the corner, and the Black Canary, and the Panera has decent coffee, and there's the 7-11 with coffee, and...

I can't believe anyone would complain about the availability of coffee at Yonge and Dundas.

Balzac's is good. Not to mention Bulldog near by. We had one at Yonge and Eg which unfortunately closed.
