Man I can't wait for this to officially open. Finding a place to work and study at Ryerson is currently a great challenge, the library is always packed, the podium is usually full, there are not much spaces in other buildings beyond that.

It will be complete sometime in the next semester I hope?
Anything that takes students out of local Starbucks is great! More seats for everyone else.
^ Funny you should say that khristopher

Application: Building Additions/Alterations Status: Not Started

Location: 341 YONGE ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 14 266926 BLD 00 BA Accepted Date: Dec 22, 2014

Project: University Interior Alterations

Description: Proposal for interior alterations to ground floor for new cafe in the Student Centre for Ryerson University - Starbucks
Proposal for interior alterations to ground floor for new cafe in the Student Centre for Ryerson University - Starbucks

Of course! Seriously, I no longer count the number of times I've simply turned around and left without buying anything after realizing that Starbucks shops have become study halls. Are they actually making any money with those technoparasites? I have much better luck finding a place to sit (and better coffee too) at Balzac on Gould.
Seriously, I no longer count the number of times I've simply turned around and left without buying anything after realizing that Starbucks shops have become study halls.

Is... is studying in a comfortable cafe environment offensive to you?
Of course! Seriously, I no longer count the number of times I've simply turned around and left without buying anything after realizing that Starbucks shops have become study halls. Are they actually making any money with those technoparasites? I have much better luck finding a place to sit (and better coffee too) at Balzac on Gould.
I think this is increasingly becoming a problem. I went to buy a coffee recently, to relax and take a break from the cold and after getting a coffee I realized that every single table was taken. Many of the people weren't eating or drinking anything. They were just using the free WIFI on their devices and taking up spaces from paying customers. Coffee shops have now become local hang outs to while away hours on the internet.

So, another Starbucks on Yonge Street, how exciting!
Is... is studying in a comfortable cafe environment offensive to you?

In a word, yes. It is a coffee shop, not a study hall. Buy a coffee and/or food, sit down, enjoy, and then leave, so others can do the same. I wouldn't dream of parking myself for hours in a private business, spending minimally - no more than I would find it acceptable to pick up a book at Indigo, sit in an armchair and read it without buying it first. This uncivilized, selfish freeloading makes my blood boil.
In a word, yes. It is a coffee shop, not a study hall...This uncivilized, selfish freeloading makes my blood boil.

Starbucks is not hurting. In fact, they make such incredible profits that they-- I assure you-- are very glad to have all these "freeloading" students and office workers doing work and studying in their cafes.

Newsflash: The point of a sit-in cafe is to provide a comfortable environment where people will want to buy product (often overpriced product with huge markups) and stay for awhile (often purchasing top-ups on their coffee or snacks during their stay).

Luckily, there are dozens of other Starbucks downtown for you to enjoy and you will know to avoid the one in the Ryerson SLC. ;)
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In a word, yes. It is a coffee shop, not a study hall. Buy a coffee and/or food, sit down, enjoy, and then leave, so others can do the same. I wouldn't dream of parking myself for hours in a private business, spending minimally - no more than I would find it acceptable to pick up a book at Indigo, sit in an armchair and read it without buying it first. This uncivilized, selfish freeloading makes my blood boil.

ahahahahhaa, jesus dude. you need to chill out. people idly sitting in cafes adds a lot to urban life and is really relaxing, you should try it. it's also extremely common in other countries.
Is... is studying in a comfortable cafe environment offensive to you?

actually yes if the stay is excessively long.
A café is a profit driven business. If you buy a $3 coffee and sit there for 6 hours, it means the business will lose a lot of customer due to the lack of seats.
Staying for a while is fine because that's what the seats are for. But taking a seat for over 2 hours preparing for an exam, that's selfish.
I saw this same glass pattern at recent renovations done to Hopedale Mall in Oakville. But in black. Originally thought the pattern was unique to this building
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It's up to the coffee shops to determine how long they will let guests stay, and to police it if they want. If Starbucks or whomever felt that their policies were losing them business, they would act.

ahahahahhaa, jesus dude. you need to chill out. people idly sitting in cafes adds a lot to urban life and is really relaxing, you should try it. it's also extremely common in other countries.

Sorry for continuing to stray off topic, but I was referring clearly, as Torontovibe did above, to people who are there with their computers to study or use the Wi-Fi, and leave no seats for the rest of us who want to do exactly what you suggest.
I just noticed that they've installed the north-facing signage. I know that Ryerson has every right to put its branding on its buildings, but I'm not a fan of how the signage integrates with the building. Something like the RU signage at Maple Leaf Gardens would have gone much better with the architecture. Or even if they'd pushed the logo further to the east, so that it didn't ride on top of the patterned section of the paneling.
