Dark side of the moon (and Dundas Sq Gardens)...



Orange band appears to be lit now (not just ambient light). Looks like the renders!



It's so bright, my night shot bleached it out.

This goes to show you what a bit of attention to detail and better materials can do. Compare the whatchamacallit that just finished east of the s/e corner of College and Spadina. The massing is quite similar, but it looks like a prison, whereas this doesn't.
simple but beautiful. it shows how a simple design can look so elegant you don't have to go all Dubai to make a building look good. I think architects and developers should take notes.
i was just saying that you don't have to do a lot to make a building look good.
there is not even a single building in Dubai that You like?
When did hating on Dubai become a thing? Is it a meme in the architecture circles or something? Is Dubai to urban development what Nickelback is to music? A fashionable target to be bashing for no particular reason?
It's typically viewed as Disneyesque/gimmicky by many. So Nickelback is a good comparison.

there is not even a single building in Dubai that You like?
I only know the really tall ones, and none of them seem like buildings that need to exist based on demand. All of them were built to say "hey, look at all our oil money" with no real business model. None of them have any real connection to the surrounding (or lack of) context.
This is not what we should want for Toronto.
I don't mind 4-5 such buildings in Toronto.. I like Burj Khalifa, Burjal Arab, Cayan tower etc and there are many other buildings that can fit in Toronto nicely, but I do agree they got a lot of godey ones.
