The current grade level is only formatted for interior lobby space, which I find to be underused.
The space was designed for Ryerson to open a "cafeteria" type space on the southern portion of the lobby, which is just a shell space right now. I'm not sure if Ryerson actually plans to operate one there or not.
As much as I love this building, I really don't like how Ryerson just builds large buildings that have no connection to the city. No retail along this stretch of Church St. all the way up to Gerrard. It's really unfortunate.
Although I do believe this building could have benefited from a more engaging street facing grade presence, Ryerson's other relatively recent main street buildings like the Student Life Centre and Ted Rogers School of Management do have retail components. The latter being quite significant with Canadian Tire and Best Buy, albeit being aesthetically regrettable.
I dunno, I don't think that looks bad. Nice, new furniture and a bright dorm in a nice building. Way nicer than anything I lived in at two different universities!
