Believe what you want guys...... I'm in the know. I know what I'm talking about. It was demolished.

Even if its HANGING there next year, it will be a clone.
Believe what you want guys...... I'm in the know. I know what I'm talking about. It was demolished.

Even if its HANGING there next year, it will be a clone.

"Mr. Levy is especially keen on transforming the old scoreboard with new technology developed at Ryerson."

"Levy is particularly interested in transforming the old Gardens scoreboard with new technology developed at Ryerson. Students at the DMZ are already re-imagining the iconic scoreboard and other key areas of the Maple Leaf Gardens redesign project."

"We've discussed reusing the original scoreboard but updating it with new technology. We're looking to collaborate with some of the students in the Digital Media Zone, using some of the innovative multimedia projects that they're involved in."

"The huge structure that housed the four-sided scoreboard and clock is under wraps for safe keeping, hoisted up to the very top of the Gardens’ roof while work goes on underneath it. It is simply too enormous, Mr. Levy said, to get out of the building. The original frame will be kept. What will go inside it is still a work in progress."

"We’ve discussed reusing the original scoreboard but updating it with new technology."

"To further enhance the Gardens' sense of place, Ryerson's Digital Media Zone (DMZ) group is currently devising plans to create extensive interactive media walls throughout the building, as well as on some exterior surfaces, the canopy, and a restored version of the old scoreboard that will once again hang over centre ice. "We want to keep the historical integrity of Maple Leaf Gardens and the awesomeness, but we want to bring it to the now," says Valerie Fox, the DMZ director. " Archives

If you were in the know, you would know that great care was put into making sure the score board was not damaged during the start of construction in order to preserve it for its re-use in the new arena.
"Mr. Levy is especially keen on transforming the old scoreboard with new technology developed at Ryerson."

"Levy is particularly interested in transforming the old Gardens scoreboard with new technology developed at Ryerson. Students at the DMZ are already re-imagining the iconic scoreboard and other key areas of the Maple Leaf Gardens redesign project."

"We've discussed reusing the original scoreboard but updating it with new technology. We're looking to collaborate with some of the students in the Digital Media Zone, using some of the innovative multimedia projects that they're involved in."

"The huge structure that housed the four-sided scoreboard and clock is under wraps for safe keeping, hoisted up to the very top of the Gardens’ roof while work goes on underneath it. It is simply too enormous, Mr. Levy said, to get out of the building. The original frame will be kept. What will go inside it is still a work in progress."

"We’ve discussed reusing the original scoreboard but updating it with new technology."

"To further enhance the Gardens' sense of place, Ryerson's Digital Media Zone (DMZ) group is currently devising plans to create extensive interactive media walls throughout the building, as well as on some exterior surfaces, the canopy, and a restored version of the old scoreboard that will once again hang over centre ice. "We want to keep the historical integrity of Maple Leaf Gardens and the awesomeness, but we want to bring it to the now," says Valerie Fox, the DMZ director. " Archives

If you were in the know, you would know that great care was put into making sure the score board was not damaged during the start of construction in order to preserve it for its re-use in the new arena.

Believe what you want.

Its demolished. I'm telling you right now it no longer exists. If you don't want to listen to me, you might as well believe unicorns are real too.

And yes, I realize that great care was put into it, but in the end it was demolished.. And photographed being demolished too.
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Believe what you want.

Its demolished. I'm telling you right now it no longer exists. If you don't want to listen to me, you might as well believe unicorns are real too.

And yes douchebag, I realize that great care was put into it, but in the end it was demolished.. And photographed being demolished too.

Pics or it didn't happen.
Pics or it didn't happen.

Unfortunately jobs are on the line, I'm not at liberty to do that. So.... Thats it. Take it or leave it. I could really care less .
But i assure you, they demolished it. Thats why its not there.. I heard about a week before it happened that something was going on. Faces of the board might have been sold to a couple buyers and that there was suspiscion it woudln't be hanging there, then I heard it was demolished around 4:30pm on a certain day.. If anything survived, maybe some of the interior framework. But that would be hardly the 'original clock'.
Jobs are on the line? Does that mean someone screwed up and demolished something he wasn't supposed to? Things that make you go hmmmm.
Jobs are on the line? Does that mean someone screwed up and demolished something he wasn't supposed to? Things that make you go hmmmm.

It means that sources could be fired for revealing that info. Out of respect for them, I wont share anything else.. Thats it.
Ryerson is known for doing the right thing. I'm sure everything will turn on fine in the end.
This project is using both Provincial and Federal dollars is it not? Provincial for sure. That means there are taxpayer dollars at work here, which theoretically should mean greater transparency and accountability.

Every detail of the project (including whether or not the scoreclock was to be kept in the final design), should be in the City's approval documents, as it should have been part of the Architectural plans submitted to the City as part of the Site Plan submission.

If it was in the Architectural drawings, but does not currently exist, and was not careful dismantled only to be reassembled when the project is complete, the contractor (or the engineering firm responsible) either knowingly lied about their intentions via their architectural drawings, or somebody working for the contractor screwed up bigtime.
Just got a response from Ryerson.

The scoreboard was removed from Maple Leaf Gardens, and will not be returning to the arena. Ryerson offered it as a donation to the Hockey Hall of Fame, and they have accepted it. One problem though... It was taken apart to remove it from the building, and will be too large to be displayed in full at the HHOF. They are currently trying to decide which pieces will be displayed.
