Ya thats nevernamed for you. RIGHT. I'm right, you're wrong.

I know more about this place, and what has gone on inside of it the last 10 years than any of you..

I guarantee that, and I guarantee I spent more time in there in the last 5 years than any of you did in your lifetime.

So you take their PR crap, and be happy with it, and I'll take the truth and all the false promises they made, and remember what they did to an iconic building..

Take that, sheeple.

Compared to the fates of EVERY SINGLE OTHER Original 6 building, I am very, very happy that they're preserving MLG.
There was no way they could have kept the inside, it was dilapidated and impractical, as it never would have been used as a hockey arena of that size.
Hell, the fact that hockey will still be played in the last great hockey cathedral is fantastic!
I think this is gonna end badly!

Logic says that the HHoF cannot (because of size of the clock and their available museum space) display/maintain the full, original clock and will likely just end up displaying one panel (modern, digital scoreboards even back as far as the clock that was there when MLG closed are less a complete structure than multiple display boards showing the same or cordinated informaton).

Then we will be condemned to pages upon pages of "See they destoyed it" and "No they didn't they preserved it in the HHoF"..."Destroyed"...."preserved"...."tastes great"...."less filling"...and so on!

Please do that while I am on vacation somewhere.
Yep, it's pretty amazing to me that they will preserve (and even restore) the complete outer envelope of the building. No mere facadism, no using it as a podium for a 50-storey condo -- the building itself remains intact, due to some fantastically innovative thinking and clever partnering. It's hard to imagine a better outcome.
Ya thats nevernamed for you. RIGHT. I'm right, you're wrong.

I know more about this place, and what has gone on inside of it the last 10 years than any of you..

I guarantee that, and I guarantee I spent more time in there in the last 5 years than any of you did in your lifetime.

So you take their PR crap, and be happy with it, and I'll take the truth and all the false promises they made, and remember what they did to an iconic building..

Since you know so much about the building, answer me this. Are the windows seen in dt_toronto_geek's pics new or restored?
Are they new windows or restored windows?

I'm pretty sure that they are new windows. Many windows used to be fogged, the frames are now green (they used to be brown) plus most were capable of opening at the bottom half of the window which the frames don't appear to allow for anymore.
Since you know so much about the building, answer me this. Are the windows seen in dt_toronto_geek's pics new or restored?

100% new. Including the ones near the roof where they unbricked the openings and added windows. When I was last in MLG most of the windows were missing, or broken on the floors since they had to bash them out.
I'm pretty sure that they are new windows. Many windows used to be fogged, the frames are now green (they used to be brown) plus most were capable of opening at the bottom half of the window which the frames don't appear to allow for anymore.

Some of the windows (mainly the green level area tall windows on the west side) where also screwed up because they had painted them over on the inside with led paint back in the day..
Gotta love when someone posts a picture proving it wasn't demolished but the other person still insists it was, despite the visual evidence to the contrary.

Ya. because I have the rest of the evidence on my computer. You can't bs a bs'er, and PR people are bsing you guys... you think a hand drawn photo of how it looked and a picture of somebody disassembling it is evidence? anyways. i don't care. i'm not gonna bicker with the lesser souls such as yourself.
Nevernamed - let's keep it friendly here please. Calling other members "lesser souls" is on the road to no longer being a member around these here parts, if you catch my drift. Please find other less rude ways of disagreeing.

Ultimately, it's more of a semantic argument over demolished/not-demolished. Just as w/my aforementioned current case of McLaughlin Buick/Murano, or the nearby slightly less current case of TGH/MaRS. If you want to be "nevernamed" about it: yes, they're demolitions...
Ya. because I have the rest of the evidence on my computer. You can't bs a bs'er, and PR people are bsing you guys... you think a hand drawn photo of how it looked and a picture of somebody disassembling it is evidence? anyways. i don't care. i'm not gonna bicker with the lesser souls such as yourself.


Is there any way that you can post some of the pictures in some type of form?

Is there any way that you can post some of the pictures in some type of form?

What? Backing up your statements that go against other photographic evidence with proof? That's not nevernamed's style.

Oh, by the way, Casa Loma was demolished, the one you see now is a fake replica.
I have the pictures on my computer, but don't feel like showing them. Continue to believe the media all you want.
What? Backing up your statements that go against other photographic evidence with proof? That's not nevernamed's style.

Oh, by the way, Casa Loma was demolished, the one you see now is a fake replica.
I have the pictures on my computer, but don't feel like showing them. Continue to believe the media all you want.

You call 1 photo proof? Proof of what? That they got a nice PR photo? What about my photo, showing the busted binned pieces?

I don't have to prove anything to lemmings such as yourself.
